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This is a terrible idea. Ontario is a big place. There are plenty of places where this kind of growth would be more appropriate and help communities rather than harm them. Instead of building one massive project, divide it and spread it out. If that happens to not suit the big developers, too bad.
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This is outrageous and disgusting. Everyone in Ontario should be agast at even the idea of removing yet more land from the Greenbelt. This is the result of corruption and under the table dealings of the Ontario PC Party. They are turning this entire province into a farce.
These lands has been designated as part of the Greenbelt for a reason. Being environmental sensitive means they are fragile and need protecting. Once you take them away, no way can they be replenished or replaced.
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The Greenbelt is one of Ontario's greatest assets. An asset this government promised to protect. You have lied to Ontarians once again.
Destroying any of the Greenbelt in favour of suburban sprawl is backwards thinking and incredibly harmful to the environment and to the Greenbelt ecosystem.
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The proposed "More Homes Built Faster Act" includes only tepid measures to enable more badly needed home construction in existing cities while diving deep into dangerous attacks on wetland habitat, woodlands and other conservation lands and encouraging even more of the expensive rural sprawl that ca
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Last year Housing Minister Steve Clark said “I want to be clear: We will not in any way entertain any proposals that will move lands in the Greenbelt, or open the Greenbelt lands to any kind of development.”
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I do not support building within the Greenbelt. It is protected land that helps filter our air and water, which is our greatest weapon against the climate crisis.
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I disagree with this. Why is the provincial government overriding the municipality? Why are you going back on your promise to not touch the greenbelt?
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I voted for this government specifically on the pledge that greenbelt would remain untouched in order to contain sprawl and protect the environment. I don't want to see gives and takes to the greenbelt, I don't care if land is added or taken from it, just keep it intact please!
The green belt is essential to prevent extinction of many species, self sufficiency in food for our tables right next to populated areas, nature areas for Recreational activities. I am vehemently against encroaching on the green belt. Ford said he wouldn’t do that.
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The Greenbelt should remain a protected area. Shame on the Ford government for trying to sneak this in while everyone is distracted by the school strike
I do not support this. If you allow these changes to the Greenbelt now it will be a slippery slope in the future. We need more housing but it can be done within the existing urban areas. Increase density rather than building large single family homes.
As a resident of Ontario, I am outraged that ANY part of the "protected" greenbelt is even being considered for development. Promises were made by the Ford government stating that the greenbelt would NOT be touched. This should not even be an issue right now or at ANY time in the future.
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Selling off Greenbelt in any form is unacceptable and without conscience. Particularly given pre-election promises from the Conservatives.
Please cease and desist from any development of our Greenbelt.
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This is a terrible idea…
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This is outrageous and…
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Don't change the greenbelt,…
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These lands has been…
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Minister Steve Clark and…
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The Greenbelt is one of…
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Please leave the greenbelt…
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The proposed "More Homes…
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Last year Housing Minister…
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I do not support building…
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Would additional Greenbelt…
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I disagree with this. Why is…
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I voted for this government…
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For many years, Ontario has…
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The green belt is essential…
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The Greenbelt should remain…
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I do not support this. If…
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As a resident of Ontario, I…
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This is disgusting, you said…
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Selling off Greenbelt in any…
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