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I strongly oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Lire davantage

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Ontario has ban on pit-bulls because they can become aggressive and kill other animals, but it is considering allowing dogs to be trained to kill penned wild animals in cold blood. How does this make any sense? Lire davantage

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Training and trialing areas are cruel an unnecessary. They should not be continued. Lire davantage

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I am surprised that a progressive country like Canada would allow a cruel, barbaric system for training dogs. My first question is, “what are these dogs being trained for?”. Lire davantage

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Please stop the practice of penned in hunting. It is not a sport. It is unnecessary and cruel. Lire davantage

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry's proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for the train and trial areas in Ontarioi. This is an outdated and heinous proposal and has no place in Ontario. We need to respect our wildlife not subject them to abuse.

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This is so cruel. This practice needs to be banned! Please do not go forward with this. This is inhumane and CRUELTY TO WILDLIFE.. Lire davantage

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This practice sounds barbaric. I am opposed to any more of these train and trial areas. The initial idea of reducing and phasing out these pens is the way to go!!

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You sickos…just because we encroach on animals habitat does not mean we have the right to kill them! For any of you religious ones…what about where it says “ and all Gods creatures…large and small” This is so disgusting…humans are the worst gatekeepers of this planet! Lire davantage

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I do not support this licensing practice. It serves no purpose, other than perpetuating a heinous and barbaric practice.

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For the Government to condone this barbaric legislation committed against defenceless Animals, Ontario is allowing the callous treatment of it’s indigenous species. Lire davantage

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I was shocked to learn of the existence of these inhumane facilities, and strongly oppose their expansion in Ontario. The mistreatment of wildlife is incompatible with the values of most Ontarians. Lire davantage

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I Strongly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources proposal to allow new licences and the transfer of same for the purpose of Train and Trail areas in Ontario. Lire davantage

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Trapping injures and terrorizes animals, for them to then be hunted by dogs. It is abusive and unnecessary, and done solely for entertainment. Don’t allow more of these facilities to open. Instead you should be closing down the existing ones. Lire davantage

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I forgot to mention who is going to pay when these hunting dogs are dumped at the end of the season, the taxpayers and existing rescue groups ?

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Who thinks this an acceptable way to treat any animal? There should be a total ban on any facility exploiting animals for any reason. This appears to be another in along line of offensive and inappropriate legislation promoted by an uncaring government.

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Licenses for new dog train and trial areas and transfer of licences should not be allowed. This is cruel and not necessary.

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This is a barbaric and inhumane practice ! If hunting dogs do not possess the necessary instinct then they should be removed from the program. Fox, rabbits etc are living creatures that feel pain. Disgusting that humans would even think to allow this.