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With the threat to our water supply due to low rainfall being worse than ever, as lawmakers and politicians who SERVE THE PEOPLE, not corporations, you must deny BlueTriton from stealing the water from the Earth, bottling it into plastic that pollutes and selling it back to people at absurd profits!

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Are you freaking serious?! Guarantee safe drinking water delivery to Indigenous lands. Our Colonial roots have “savagely” devastated our Indigenous people for far too long. It’s time to stop this. There is no tomorrow Lire davantage

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No private water bottling companies in Ontario. We pay taxes to ensure clean drinking water for everyone. This is not just another resource. No one should be able to deplete this necessity of life for profit, ever.

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The renewal of this permit is ludicrous. The water contained in this lot and concession should be sent to nearby First Nations reserves in order to ensure there is healthy drinking water. Nestle, Triton, whoever, does not need another well — but others in the Puslinch area do. Lire davantage

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Please do not make the same mistake twice. We need to protect Ontario's waters and stop the siphoning off by water companies. Do not approve Blue Triton's request to renew the permit held by Nestle. Lire davantage

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No more stealing water from our lands! This company and nestle need to cease this practice especially on native lands that do not have access to clean water! Get your heads out your ass this isn’t just about money to you! Lire davantage

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This is an outrage against the Indigenous peoples of Canada. We've only barely started reparations, and at the same time we're still allowing corporations to steal water from the water protectors. Lire davantage

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To continue the cycle of giving away resources to corporations for a song has to end. As the climate chages the pressure on Canada will only increase. This is not the time to allow the selling of our water for corporate profit. Do NOTallow this.