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I have had enough of Nestle. All over the world, they are taking advantage. Firstly, water should not be bottled except in large containers for those who don't otherwise have water to drink, like several reserves in Canada. It's time they gave back, no more taking.

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We need to end the bottled water industry, and we can't have big companies buying up big subdivisions of homes to rent them out, as it will drive up the cost of housing, due to reduced supply. Please end these things.

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You’ve got to be kidding me. When will this country stop exploiting the indigenous???? Why is profit and damaging this land the sole mandate of the Ontario government. Enough is enough. Stop the greed and exploitation!!! Lire davantage

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The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council issued a cease-and-desist order two years ago to stop Nestlé from taking the water. By requesting the permit and making plans to continue the water grab, BlueTriton is ignoring Indigenous sovereignty. Just like Nestlé did. Lire davantage

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Stop taking the fresh water from our Canadian waterways and allowing bottling company's to take it and sell it at a profit. The native peoples and the native animals need this water for survival. Please stop. Lire davantage