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While dozens of First Nations communities across Canada have not had access to safe drinking water for at least a year we should not be letting bottling companies take water. They should also, be subject to the water restrictions like every other Canadian Citizen. Lire davantage

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Population Growth is being pumped into Wellington County with some communities being asked to double in size by population. That means more demand for water for drinking and for dealing with effluent. Lire davantage

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The idea that a Corporate Company like Nestle could achieve taking water, from anywhere, let alone from indigenous land is infuriating. When so many indigenous communities are without potable water. This is beyond the pale. Stop giving Nestle access to water. Lire davantage

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Please do not grant any licenses allowing Nestle's to take our groundwater. There is no need for bottled water at all or for the vast number of plastic bottles clogging the waterways. It is simply a profit making item to compensate for dropping soft drink revenues. Lire davantage

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Indigenous peoples have been poorly treated for ever. This is yet one more indignity they are being told to suffer. Triton Water must be told to abandon this poorly planned and abhorrent plan to steal water from the environment and the people who are protecting it.

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I am strongly against this proposal. Most First Nations communities don't have access to fresh, clean water, therefore it would be it would be a travesty to allow a company/corporation to take the proposed water from these lands.

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I am SOOO sick and tired of hearing about companies like yours getting away with such Atrocities like this! You, Nestlé, have been Stealing and Bullying your way to making Millions for your company for Decades! It is despicable! Truly! Enough IS Enough! Lire davantage

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I live in an area of Ontario where we rely on wells, WHICH AT PRESENT ARE DRY! Our small town refuses to extend the local water line! It is a slap in the face to see another big corporation running away with our water supply just for profit! Stop them NOW! Lire davantage

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Triton should not be permitted to extract water from Indigenous land. Also, Triton should have to pay a realistic price for the water that it bottles for profit. Water is a valuable natural resource and should not be practically given away so that companies can make huge profits.

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Water is a sacred, life giving and sustaining resource for all people, not a commodity to be sold at enormous profit for corporate greed. In Canada, for the most part, we are fortunate to have good, clean drinking water coming from our faucet...for-the-most-part. Lire davantage

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No, leave the water in the area it belongs. Not just people are affected by the removal of water from an area, so are animals. Do like the Saudi Arabians do and use a desalinator and get the water from the ocean if you have to have water to sell. Stop selling water in one time use plastics. Lire davantage

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TRITON is nothing more than NESTLE in a "new coat". Their ONLY CONCERN is to increase "the bottom line" and to generate profits for their Shareholders.. The damage that NESTLE has inflicted on the Environment in EVERY LOCATION they have operated a Water Bottling Plant is Blatantly Evident.. Lire davantage