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It’s public water, companies should not be able to profit from what has always been free. The liberals want UBI, stop letting companies do this with free resources and we wouldn’t be spending hard earned money on things we don’t need to.

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Please stop selling our water to single use plastic bottle corporations... corporations in general in fact. The world is moving away from single use plastics... be a leader, change the story. Lire davantage

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Water is an essential requirement to sustain the local area and should be allocated to municipal needs first and foremost. It should not be capitalized on. With the changes in climate and the unknown effects weather will have, water should not be given for private gain.

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I think it is important that we have fair and equitable disclosure regarding water as a resource; who owns it, where it is coming from. Public awareness is important so that we can protect our valuable fresh drinking water as a resource for all. Thanks. Lire davantage

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No Company should be allowed to to bottle our water and then have plastic thrown on our land and in the lakes they have stolen our water from. So no more contracts with companies taking and not giving anything back to our land ( only plastic). Lire davantage

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Are we this stupid? Why in this country must we let multinational corporations and their proxies suck (literally) our resources from under us. No. No. No. Tell Nestlé to move on. They can convert seawater; there's lots of that.

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The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council issued a cease-and-desist order two years ago to stop Nestlé from taking the water. By requesting the permit and making plans to continue the water grab, BlueTriton is ignoring Indigenous sovereignty. Lire davantage

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I am totally opposed to large corporations and companies being allowed to take our water. They make massive profits from the water. They deplete our water table and locals have to pay huge water bills, while these companies pay next to nothing. Shame on this government if they renew the licence. Lire davantage

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The Environmental Registry of Ontario must deny BlueTriton's permit NOW. The fact that so many First Nations communities across the country lack access to safe drinking water makes BlueTriton's plan to pump clean water from their lands all the more egregious. Lire davantage

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No more bottled water. It is not necessary as we have good water in most parts of this country. Tell these companies to keep their hands off. Their bottles liter our roads and help fill our land fills. Lire davantage

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Water IS life. Do not let commercial companies drain this precious resource. And the plastic bottles used to sell it are a scourge on the environment. Please see that indigenous peoples have access to clean water instead!