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The science is clear. The value of water is clear. So many communities already live without clean water. And as draught becomes more longer and more frequent we who live on the land should have access to our water. Lire davantage

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It is outrageous that private companies are making profits from stealing what is a publicly owned resource.Canadians need to have laws in place to keep rights to one of our most precious resources.

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This is absolutely abhorrent. Water should be a protected right and not for sale. Especially when so many First Nations communities do not have access to safe drinking water. This should absolutely not go ahead. Lire davantage

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I am absolutely against any further water taking by corporations in this province, or extensions of current water-taking permits. Water belongs to the people of this province and is a human right. It should only be used for the good of the public and not for profit. Lire davantage

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So many indigenous people do not have access to clean drinking water. Please when does one draw the line between profiting off resources we all need and aren't infinite in supply. Lire davantage

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Please do not sell Ontario's water otherwise known as Blue Gold! The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council issued a cease-and-desist order two years ago to stop Nestlé from taking the water. Lire davantage

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Triton water puslinch is a good company .I work here & many people like me work here from long time. We have lots of food drive & donation drives here for food bank & needy people in local community. Lire davantage

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I am a proud associate of former Nestle waters Canada now Blue Triton , in its history of 22 years in Puslinch I have been employed 21 of those years. We are committed to the sustainability of the water resources in the community as well as play an important role within the community. Lire davantage

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Water should not be a commodity to profit off of when it is not available from a tap in these same areas. Clean drinking water should be a right of all people and should not be drained for profit- instead, perhaps create a clean water drinking system for the people who live on this land. Lire davantage

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The application by Blue Triton for a 10 year pumping lease must be rejected. The fossil water being drawn for sale as bottled water is the birthright of our great grand children. These extractivist activities destroy the local watershed, which cannot recharge at the rates of extraction. Lire davantage