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If you’re taking water from indigenous lands then it’s terrifying due to the conditions that those who live in indigenous conditions face. Due to how they lack water resources, there should be something done rather than taking their resources.

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Really? Right now? STILL? With everything going on and coming to light, you're going to give away water to a corporation to sell for OBSCENE profits instead of ensuring First Nations communities have safe, secure drinking water like the rest of Canada? Great optics. Lire davantage

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The Environmental Registry of Ontario must deny BlueTriton’s permit now! As a First Nation person I stand for the water that Creator gifted to the people of the land. It is not for sale. We are fighting to keep it clean and safe. Lire davantage

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Please please do not accept this proposal. The world is changing so rapidly. Locking a deal to take this amount of water over 10 years is unthinkable. We must protect the water where it is and make sure it feeds those who live on the land. Do not sign this deal!!!!! Lire davantage

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I oppose the amount of water Triton Water is allowed to take for bottling purposes. I would like to see the number of years they have approval reduced to 5, and the amount of water allowed reduced by half.