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To permit bulk water withdrawals while certain communities are struggling with water quality or longevity of source water, is incompatible with long-term sustainability. Bottles water is also a primary contributor to waste due to the disposal of plastic water bottles. Lire davantage

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Stop Bluetriton from taking our water. Water is life and should not be sold as a commodity to big business. Clear water is our most precious resource and belongs to all people and should never be sold.

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The people of Ontario must pay their water bills. NESTLE (and its "renamed" bands) MUST ALSO PAY FOR THEIR WATER USE. The worst part is that they are abuse their position as an enormous corporation to violate the land and people from which they steal water. Lire davantage

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BlueTron should not be allowed to access our water resources as it appears to follow in the footsteps of Nestle. There has been no consultation with the indigenous communities they will be effecting. Stop this water grab

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We should not be selling nonrecoverable assets like water for such low prices Perhaps we shouldnt sell water to places that waste it in pools and dont take care of their water resources Lire davantage

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Please consider denying the 10-year renewal BlueTriton has applied for to take water out of Ontario for bottling. Please place people before profit. BlueTriton is trying to pump clean water from Indigenous lands and bottling it for profit.

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Please stop BlueTriton from sucking up our freely given precious water to pump it into little plastic bottles which will pollute for hundreds of years. We must encourage awareness of reusable water bottles and stop buying and selling water. It’s a sacred gift given to all. Lire davantage

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Please stop letting Nestle or any other company related to them including Blue Triton take our Ontario water supply for their private profit!!! Water is a public resource and we need it to stay in the ground, either for future use by Ontarians or permanently for the planet. Lire davantage

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NO NO NO ,still companies basically stealing our water and selling in PLASTIC BOTTLES ,that water should never be drained like they are doing, Our Governments should not be allowing this to happen,draining our resources for little recompence,not that should even be allowed happen at all. Lire davantage

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The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council issued a cease-and-desist order two years ago to stop Nestlé from taking the water. By requesting the permit, BlueTriton is ignoring Indigenous sovereignty. Lire davantage

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BlueTriton should not be granted a 10 year permit to pump water because, as we know, droughts are more and more common during the climate crisis. Water should be a resource of the commons, not bottled and sold, generating tons of plastic waste, so that a company can profit off of it. Lire davantage

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Do not permit! We have an obligation to our Indigenous peoples, not to corporations. BlueTriton will be no better than Nestle, and we cannot sit idly by while our governed once again puts corporations over people. This is the time to start making amends, not more rifts.

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I ask you to deny the permit. It is a violation of indigenous Sovereignty and an offence to the public good. Water is too precious and fragile of a life sustaining resource to allow a private enterprise to remove these quantities from our water table. Our water integrity is already in jeopardy.