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I do not like the thought of another corporation stealing our water to make giant profits (none of which will be shared with the communities in which they will be disrupting) and at the same time destroying our resources and lands. Lire davantage

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Until indigenous claims are settled, licenses to take water from disputed areas should cease. Water should not be sold as a commodity. The use of bottled water should be restricted to those without access to clean drinking water. Thank you for the work you are doing to protect people and water. Lire davantage

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BlueTriton should not be granted a 10-year permit to pump water because, as we know, droughts are more and more common (we are currently in one right now) and will getting increasingly so during the climate crisis. Lire davantage

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How is stealing water a business? They suck up our water and sell it back to us, does this make sense? Leave the water where it belongs, in nature, for people and animal use, free of charge. Lire davantage

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Everyone knows in their heads and hearts that the privatization of water is wrong. That it is one of the most dangerous outcomes that can come from continuing to allow corporations to bottle and sell water around the world. Lire davantage

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I cannot imagine any reason why Ontario should be selling groundwater for bottling (and exporting) purposes. And selling our groundwater for less than its real value to us is insulting and reckless. Lire davantage

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Fresh water should be available to everyone and NOT sold as a commodity and certainly not in plastic bottles. There is no sane reason for these companies to sell bottled water. Do not sign this contract!

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It is important to protect our water. No Company should be allowed to sell Canada's water at a big price while many are struggling to have good clean water right here in Canada. Lire davantage

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This cannot happen. The pilfering of our precious resource for nothing more than profit is short sighted at least and criminally negligent at worse. The fact that it's going to bottled water to cause even more waste of resources makes it very troubling.

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While dozens of First Nations communities across Canada have not had access to safe drinking water for at least a year, BlueTriton is pumping clean water from Indigenous lands and bottling it for profit. Lire davantage

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Absolutely ‘ NO’ to renewal of any permit/licensing to take water by Triton Water Canada Holdings Ind., Nestle or any company. This non renewal resource has been exploited far too much, and for too long. Water needs to be protected. Lire davantage

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The people do not want anymore water permits, not for NESTLE or any other and NOT for Aggregate companies either. Do you think aquifers are never ending? If you deplete them corporations, then when the humans and animals need water day, there will not be any left. Stop the madness. Lire davantage

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Companies like Nestle and Coca Cola, and now Blue Triton, who have, or are planning to take massive amounts of water are not good corporate citizens and should not be allowed to ride rough shod over local people and bottle water for profit. Lire davantage

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BlueTriton should not be granted a 10 year permit to pump water because, as we know, droughts are more and more common (we are currently in one right now) and will getting increasingly so during the climate crisis. Lire davantage

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It would be offensive to Canadians to allow commercial water extraction from any lands within 1000 km of an area where indigenous people suffer water quality or water availability issues. Lire davantage

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The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council issued a cease-and-desist order two years ago to stop Nestle from taking water. By requesting a permit and making plans to continue the water grab, Nestle's successor, BlueTriton, is ignoring Indigenous sovereignty, just as Nestle did. Lire davantage

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We should not be selling Ontario’s freshwater to a destructive and short-sighted bottling company when there are still First Nations communities with water advisories. Water isn’t gold to be extracted until it is gone, it’s a human right. Lire davantage