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Nestle is allowed to take 3.6 million litres a day from its Aberfoyle plant, to bottle that into single use plastic bottled beverages that pollute our environment. It is time to get serious about ending single use plastics. It is time to end Nestle's permit to take out water. Lire davantage

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While dozens of Indigenous communities have no access to clean, safe drinking water. Triton thinks it should take water from First Nations land, draining, then selling it at a profit. Water is a human right, it is criminal to do this and the government is a partner in this crime if they allow it.

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This is unbeleivable, we just celebrated the fact that Nestle is no longer going to be stealing fresh water and selling it at a profit, along with millions of plastic bottles that are adding to the billions of tons of plastics in all forms that are polluting the earth, and along comes BlueTriton try Lire davantage

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Enough is enough. There’s so many indigenous reservations that don’t even have clean water themselves to drink/bathe/cook etc. It’s ridiculous. It’s outrageous. Instead of the government selling the water ( which just causes more pollution, why don’t you put money into fixing their water systems. Lire davantage

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Project FoodChain

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I am writing as the co-founder of Project FoodChain, a registered Ontario not-for-profit, created to alleviate the pandemic food and water crisis impacting Toronto citizens experiencing homelessness. Lire davantage

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Our water is a vital and precious presence. We do not want it taken from us by commerce, by profit compelled businesses. Our indigenous peoples are our present concern. We will defend their rights and their needs. Lire davantage

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Are you kidding me?! Ontario is still entertaining the theft of our drinking water to corporations while we have communities still under boil water advisories?! Dispicable acts. If this is allowed our government truly have become traitors to the Canadian people. Angry Ontario Mom Lire davantage

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It is time that our water resources help our own Canadian people first, especially with all the Indigenous people having to boil water. Water should never have been a commodity to be sold for profit. Lire davantage

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I demand that the Environmental Registry of Ontario deny BlueTriton’s permit now. These actions are no better than Nestlé’s approach on acquiring our water for practically nothing and making huge profits for themselves. Lire davantage