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I don’t think water needs to be bottled period. Bottled water should be outlawed as it causes nothing but huge amounts of unnecessary plastic pollution which the earth can no longer sustain. Why are these corporations allowed to steal water from our communities! It has to stop! Now!

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Nestle was granted a license to print money and steal water from Ontario and First Nations — is there any other way to describe the minuscule price they paid? They finally pulled out of Ontario. Now Triton Water is applying to take water, in spite of the objections of First Nations. Lire davantage

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If this passes, I will have lose all faith in the Environmental Registry of Ontario’s ability to make the right environmental decisions to protect indigenous land or our natural resources in the province. Lire davantage

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I really can't understand why our government wont protect this very important natural resource. Allowing such a powerful company to profit from our sacred water is not acceptable. We should be moving away, not expanding, water bottle use in Canada. Lire davantage

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Water is essential for us in many ways, but bottled water is essential for very few of us. It’s time we learnt to fill our own bottles from our taps and stop depleting the water tables down wasting plastic. Hands off to all large scale bottling companies. Lire davantage

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As climate change ravages the world in the very near future, Canada's clean drinking water will become extremely important to protect and conserve - The lives of future generations of Canadians will depend on it! Lire davantage

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Blue Triton should not be allowed to take water from Indigenous lands in Ontario. Water levels are already low this year. Companies aren't allowed to take trees from Indigenous land so why should they be able to take another natural resource. Please don't allow this to happen.

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Water is, itself, a public good, not a private 'resource' for any private, for profit, business to make money out of. The public should have the authority and administrative capability (and ability) to ensure FREE access to good water. Lire davantage

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I urge the Ontario Government not to renew the water removal permit that was issued to Nestlé that BlueTriton is attempting to have renewed. This is the wish of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council as it issued a cease-and-desist order two years ago to stop Nestlé from taking the water. Lire davantage

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This is not acceptable. We have some of the best drinking water in the world at every household tap. Corporate greed that markets their bottled water as a necessary alternative is criminal. Taking it without permission is illegal. This must stop. Lire davantage

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While it remains illegal to water your lawn in Australia, and while the oceans all are showing enormous strain under the volume of plastics floating on them and corrupting their shores, it makes NO sense that some strange company can take unknown volumes of water from our terrain for the sole reason Lire davantage