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Free and public access to clean drinking water is an unviolable human right. It is not for the profit of corporations, including Triton Waters or Nestle or any other. Canada and countries around the world will fight any attempt to limit access. Lire davantage

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Dear government of Ontario. I want you to please stop allowing our ground water to be sold to US or other foreign companies. The practice is not benefiting our community here in Guelph and it is putting our future ground water supply at risk. Sincerely Shane Philips Lire davantage

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With the uncertainty of climate change looming large in Canada, we know that its impact on our water supply could be dire. It would be imprudent to enter into a ten year contract with Triton, because communities come first! Lire davantage

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While dozens of First Nations communities across Canada have not had access to safe drinking water for at least a year, Triton Waters is pumping clean water from Indigenous lands and bottling it for profit.

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Canada's fresh water supply is limited and precious, and is especially so for Indigenous communities. We should not be allowing private companies to take fresh water to sell. Please do not allow this permit to move forward. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Lire davantage

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Water should be a human right and not sold off to any company. For years Nestlé stole water and I say stole, because much of the time, they were not even abiding by even the loose rules that were to govern them. Did we learn nothing? Please, do not make the same mistakes with this new company. Lire davantage

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Private corporations like Triton, Nestle, or any other have no place bottling and selling water in Canada. In a country that still cannot provide clean, safe drinking water to Indigenous communities, this permit proposal is a disgrace. Lire davantage

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Our water is precious and communities deserve to have access to clean drinking water and shouldn’t have to fight wealthy corporations for that access. Companies should not be able to come in to communities to bottle our water for ridiculous profit. Water is for the people and should remain as such. Lire davantage

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I believe water belongs in the ground where it is found, with the exception of private wells and municipal water treatment plants. Water is for the use of humans and wildlife and ought not to be wasted or profited from. Our indigenous peoples need to have clean water!

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Triton's permit to take water must absolutely be denied. Ontario knows all the reasons this is a terrible idea, and yet continue to sacrifice the interests of First Nations, area residents, and future generations to put money in the pockets of multinational corporations. In a drought no less!

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The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council issued a cease-and-desist order two years ago to stop Nestlé from taking the water. By requesting the permit and making plans to continue the water grab, Triton Waters is ignoring Indigenous sovereignty. Just like Nestlé did. Lire davantage