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As an employee of 19 years I am proud of our facility's 22 year history in Aberfoyle. We continue to play an important role in Puslinch and Erin, as well as the communities across Wellington County, providing stable well paying jobs supporting local initiatives. Lire davantage

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I am happy to submit my comments in support of renewal permits for Blue Triton--Aberfoyle Plant. My various roles within the community have afforded me the opportunity to work very closely with Blue Triton (formerly Nestle Waters Canada). Lire davantage

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Hi, I’m supporting this organizational take sufficient water in the community. This will bring economic prosperity to our community, provides jobs for our people, and provides necessary business development for the region. Thanks. Lire davantage

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My husband's livelihood depends on the continuing operations of Triton Water Canada Holdings being permitted to continue drawing water. I am glad that the levels of the aquifer are continually monitored so that the only water that is taken is that which can be replenished naturally. Lire davantage

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I think the well in question can remain at present usage. It has been drawn from for many years now, and I have not heard any data that shows a decline in the water table specifically from it.

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The Government of Ontario’s third-party science and policy review in 2020 confirmed the sustainability of water bottling operations in the province and found that there is no scientific justification for regulating water bottlers any differently than other water users.

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Triton Waters should not be allowed to access Ontario waters for bottling and profit. All Ontarians have a right to safe, clean drinking water and, until such time as all Indigenous communities have safe water, no corporation should be allowed to profit from our natural resources.

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It is of vital importance for us all and for future generations that no permission is granted to this company or any other in the future Water is an essential resource that CANNOT be used by any company It should remain public for ever Lire davantage

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Nestle and Triton should absolutely be forbidden to take water! They are bottling it in plastic which becomes garbage, depleting our fresh water supplies and reaping huge profits from the sale of our resources. This should never have been alllowed and now it must be stopped permanently.

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Water is a common good, an absolute requirement for All life, not to be commercialized! The First Nations have already been destroyed too much for hundreds of years! Enough! Stop 🛑, listen to them and us ! No one has the right to take away water !

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The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council issued a cease-and-desist order two years ago to stop Nestlé from taking the water. By requesting the permit and making plans to continue the water grab, Triton Waters is ignoring Indigenous sovereignty. Just like Nestlé did. Lire davantage

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A water permit must NOT be given to Triton Holdings. The government has been very wrong for years by issuing permits for taking water. Water is precious and it has been sold as a commodity at very cheap prices. Lire davantage

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Water is critical to the quality of life of all Ontarians. I vehemently object to giving it away - at any price - to business so they can sell it back to us. Furthermore bottled water is an atrocious waste of energy and an inexcusable unnecessary generator of plastic pollution. Lire davantage