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As a 21 year employee I am proud of our facility’s 22-year history in Aberfoyle. We continue to play an important role in Puslinch and Erin, as well as the communities across Wellington County, providing stable, well-paying jobs and supporting local initiatives

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I’ve been working with Nestle Waters for more than 6 years and it has helped my family financially and has become our main source of our drinking water. As one of the production operator , I can honestly say that the water being manufactured here has the highest quality .

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As an employee I am proud of our facility’s 22-year history in Aberfoyle. We continue to play an important role in Puslinch and Erin, as well as the communities across Wellington County, providing stable, well-paying jobs and supporting local initiatives.

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We now know that every drop of water is precious. Renewing a destructive, consumptive permit to take water to give that water for bottling in plastic is self destructive. A ten year term for such a bad deal is ridiculous. Lire davantage

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As a long time operator I am proud to be part of this company, I live in Guelph and have had my own concerns. All my questions were answered with honesty and science. There is no doubt in my mind about our sustainability of our operations. Lire davantage

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I have been an employee with this company for a number of years. I just wanted to say that this company has always operated openly and honestly, keeping the communities and natural resources as on of our top priorities. Lire davantage

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I support Triton Canada water holdings ,Inc in obtaining a current permit.I feel that bottle water is a key to great life, drinking something that is good for your body is a plus for all people. Thanks!

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As an employee of three years I am proud of our facility’s 22-year history in Aberfoyle. We continue to play an important role in Puslinch and Erin, as well as the communities across Wellington County, providing stable, well-paying jobs and supporting local initiatives.

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As an employee I am proud of our facility’s 22-year history in Aberfoyle. We continue to play an important role in Puslinch and Erin, as well as the communities across Wellington County, providing stable, well-paying jobs and supporting local initiatives. Lire davantage

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As an employee of the Puslinch facility I am in support of this water taking permit. I have a niche role in the industry and so this permit would provide piece of mind and economic stability for myself and my family without having to relocate for work into Toronto. Lire davantage

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I don't see why getting a permit has taken so long for Nestle/BlueTriton - there is scientific data that supports sustainability. The name Nestle has been the only target - what about Ice River, Golf courses, gravel pits. Lire davantage

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I think that it is okay that we continue this. If the water is being taken in a sustainable way then there shouldn't be any issues with this. Many people rely on companies extracting natural resources around Ontario.

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As an employee of Blue Triton Brands, I know that in the best interest of our company that we follow the science that ensures our water source is sustainable. I know we do our due diligence on monitoring our sources to allow us to run our business for many years to come. Lire davantage

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As an employee I am proud of our facility’s 22-year history in Aberfoyle. We continue to play an important role in Puslinch and Erin, as well as the communities across Wellington County, providing stable, well-paying jobs and supporting local initiatives.

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The company brings good jobs to our Region. Those are not something any of us want to lose. With careful monitoring of water levels and accountability to the municipality, I believe this is a sustainable business and worthy of a license renewal. Lire davantage