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Water should not be exported from Ontario. It is analogous to exporting oxygen. Not only is water vital for humans but it also is a fundamental component of virtually all ecosystems. It is a fundamental of all living things. Lire davantage

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Water should not be exported from Ontario. It is analogous to exporting oxygen. Not only is water vital for humans but it also is a fundamental component of virtually all ecosystems. It is a fundamental of all living things. Lire davantage

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Our water should not be for sale, to any company to resell. It's a public good that should be shared. There are people in Canada without clean drinking water. Selling our resources instead of sharing them with those who need it is a misplaced endeavour. Lire davantage

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Canadian fresh water will soon be traded on the stock market as a commodity like gold and silver. It is in actuality, far more precious. Ww can live without gold or silver. We cannot live more than three days without water. Lire davantage

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We are seeing clean water become a scarce resource. It has been the Canadian tradition that clean water is considered a public good, and be made available to all citizens. Permits such as this are no longer in keeping with that idea and as a citizen, I demand it be denied. Lire davantage

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Not while indigenous people still don't have clean drinking water. Having Blue Triton take the water is no better than having Nestle take it. We're almost in a drought as it is, so our water supplies are not getting refreshed, and water bottles are wasteful. Deny this permit.

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Please STOP giant corporations such a Nestle from plundering our public/natural (here fresh underground water) resources for excessive profits. Please decline their applications and please do not renew their permits. Their abuse of public public/natural resources must end. Lire davantage

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If they want water. It should be sustainable and not effect the region. It should also be bought like a commodity with a fluctuating increase structure. Plus a clause that allows the region to have first use under any conditions. Water is sold way to cheaply to these company’s Lire davantage

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Water is irreplaceable. We can never sell one of life's most essential resources to any corporate giant. DO NOT grant the requested license to take water for 10 years from our indigenous people. It is a decision that would cause harm for years to come. Lire davantage

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Stop BlueTitan from pumping water from Indigenous peoples land, this no way forward for reconciliation of your going to allow this terrible company to steal water almost for free, with how little the government charges them per liter.

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Water is a human right. It is not a commodity for private companies to profit off of. Nestle has an appalling track record regarding siphoning off public water resources (amongst many other heinous environmental crimes). BlueTriton are following their blueprint. Lire davantage