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The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council issued a cease-and-desist order two years ago to stop Nestlé from taking the water. By requesting the permit and making plans to continue the water grab, BlueTriton is ignoring Indigenous sovereignty. Just like Nestlé did. Lire davantage

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Canada's natural resources that belong to it's citizens should not be for sale for profit to any conglomerate or corporation. There is no more necessary essential in life than water. Lire davantage

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Bottling atrocious amounts of water, especially in plastic, needs to stop. It is an unnecessary Eco disaster. I have never supported Nestle doing this and I certainly won’t support any other company doing this. Also, it tastes awful.

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NO WAY should they given a 10 year contract. They only intend to hold this company for a short time to extract Money from this site. They are monetizing water - this has to stop Lire davantage

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It is completely unacceptable that indigenous peoples do not have access to clean drinking water and yet large corporations are able to pump out clean waters from their lands. This is not the Canada I know, and this should absolutely NOT be allowed.

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Please do not allow multinational corporations like Nestle/Triton to take our drinking water to bottle and sell. If you allow companies to sell our water, the people of Ontario should be getting at least 50 cents a litre for a bottle that they will sell for 3-5 dollars. Our water is not for sale.

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I am absolutely against any water bottling company taking water from Ontario clean water sources and especially against any water being taken from sources within Indigenous territories. Lire davantage

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The proposed contract renewal for Blue Triton MUST BE DENIED. We fought a LONG & DIFFICULT BATTLE to get Nestle out of Ontario. We CAN'T afford to have another company in here literally STEALING our water, essentially for free. STOP BLUE TRITON.

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Please do the right thing by NOT renewing any water taking permits. The taking of precious ground water for profit is sheer insanity and the plastic pollution as a result is a major threat to our environment.