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How does leaving Native Nations people without clean water, while allowing a big business to take public water for their own private profits show leadership? Where is the law in this? This move directly denies Native Nations control of their own land. Stop Blue Triton. Lire davantage

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The amount of First Nations who don’t have access to clean drinking water in Canada is atrocious. Blue triton should not be allowed to do take water from the First Nations. I demand that you deny blue tritons request for a permit.

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Do not permit ground water to be taken from these lands. The U.N. states that water is a universal right not a commodity. Refuse the permit to Triton and protect our environment from being ravaged by international business interests

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everything is wrong about bottled water. First, it is taking a natural resource that needs to be in its natural habitat to continue the life of the lake species. Second, it means plastic bottles are used that need to be recycled or end up in the trash. Lire davantage

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BlueTriton proposed for a 10-year water extraction arrangement would be unacceptable, especially since indigenous nations in Ontario are still having serious water issues even without this proposal. For human rights and environmental reasons, this proposal has to be refused. Lire davantage

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Bottled water is theft. Save water resources for local communities, landowners, and citizens. Please deny the permit to take water, and all such permits. Water should not be commercialized. Lire davantage

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How is it that we are buying water in places like Ottawa that have excellent drinking water? The supermarkets should not be selling bottled water in areas that can turn on the tap. Lire davantage

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Nestle has a notorious history of thirsting for profits at the expense of local watersheds and communities. We will not stay silent and allow a "new Nestle" in the form of BlueTriton to siphon off the water of First Nations and other communities. Lire davantage

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We the people should cease buying water from Nestle! I cannot think of anything as mind boggling as buying what is inherently ours! Further, no government should EVER give permission, to Nestle or any other entity,, to bottle OUR water and sell it back to us!

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Indigenous sovernity should not be ignored. Please do better, there are so many Indigenous communities without access to fresh clean water - a basic human right. Until our human rights are not addressed we should not continue to put corporate interest first. Lire davantage

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Stop BlueTriton from having and keeping rights to bottle water in Ontario. Water belongs to everyone and it is reprehensible that any company should profit from public water, especially when many communities in Ontario do not have access to clean drinking water. Lire davantage

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What is this??? No, stealing from indigenous people is not okay. It is not your water and those communities need it. Stop playing the villain in this redundant film and start playing the hero. Grow up.

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Bottled water should only be allowed for communities affected by natural disasters, and only as a temporary solution. There is no need for ANY company to sell bottled water as a regular item in a grocery store, especially if the water is taken from indigenous land. Lire davantage

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Stop allowing huge corporations to pillage our most precious resource... water. At the very least, force them to lay a reasonable amount for the water they are selling back to us, which belongs to the people in the first place! It’s embarrassing that our government is still allowing this to happen. Lire davantage

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Do not sell out Ontario’s water to Blue Triton. One, we need to keep our water resources for our citizens. Two, single use plastics is not the way to get your water. Bring a reusable bottle from home. Three, corporations are only in it for money not looking after Ontario’s natural resources.