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• The Government of Ontario’s third-party science and policy review in 2020 confirmed the sustainability of water bottling operations in the province and found that there is no scientific justification for regulating water bottlers any differently than other water users.

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The Government of Ontario’s third-party science and policy review in 2020 confirmed the sustainability of water bottling operations in the province and found that there is no scientific justification for regulating water bottlers any differently than other water users.

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I strongly support the approval. Having a healthy hydration option for my family is crucial even more now that we are living in a pandemic, I feel safer to have a bottle of water with me for my daughter so I don't expose her.

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3rd party science/review in 2020 confirmed the sustainability of water bottling operations in the province. I do not believe that this should be treated differently from any other industrial water user.

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As an employee I am proud of our facility’s 22-year history in Aberfoyle. We continue to play an important role in Puslinch and Erin, as well as the communities across Wellington County, providing stable, well-paying jobs and supporting local initiatives.

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I oppose all applications by Triton Waters Canada Holdings Inc. for permits to take water for bottling. Groundwater is a non-renewable resource that needs to be available for the public good, not for private profit. Lire davantage

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I work for Blue Triton Brands, formerly known as Nestle Waters Canada. I have worked at the same factory since 1999 as a summer student while attending UofG. This permit can impact close 200 employees.

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Our commitment to sustainable water resources is grounded in science and guides our everyday decisions and actions at Blue Triton, we are not trying to take away from the environment and provide a product that is healthy

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As an employee of the Aberfoyle site, I am proud to work here. There are great people doing great things here. I am proud that we can support entities such as the Red Cross in times of need in the region. Lire davantage

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As an employee I am extremely proud to be part of this facility. We play an important role in the community across Wellington county including Puslinch and Erin and provide well paying jobs and support local initiatives. Lire davantage

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As an employee I am proud of our facility’s 22-year history in Aberfoyle. We continue to play an important role in Puslinch and Erin, as well as the communities across Wellington County, providing stable, well-paying jobs and supporting local initiatives. Lire davantage

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Our commitment to the sustainability of water resources is grounded in science and guides our everyday decisions and actions. We need to keep providing our customers with healthy hydration options!

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Please renew these permits to take water. Communities, charities, people’s jobs depend on these permits. They are operating sustainably and they have the data to prove it. Thank you. Lire davantage

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I am a long term resident of Puslinch and am fully supportive of the now Blue Triton operation in our community. They provide a wealth of high quality data to our community that we wouldn’t otherwise get if they weren’t here. Lire davantage

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As an employee of this facility for the last 16years I can truly say that I am proud to be here. The culture and the quality of people are second to none. We are all about the sustainability of the water shed. It makes no sense to harm it or else we wouldn't have a business . Lire davantage