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I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This new lease extension should be granted automatically to all leaseholders. This time should be used to reach a permanent solution that will ensure the cottage community remains forever. Lire davantage

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I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This new lease extension should be granted automatically to all leaseholders. This time should be used to reach a permanent solution that will ensure the cottage community remains forever. Lire davantage

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I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This new lease extension should be granted automatically to all leaseholders. This time should be used to reach a permanent solution that will ensure the cottage community remains forever. Lire davantage

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"I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This new lease extension should be granted automatically to all leaseholders. This time should be used to reach a permanent solution that will ensure the cottage community remains forever. Lire davantage

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I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This new lease extension should be granted automatically to all leaseholders. This time should be used to reach a permanent solution that will ensure the cottage community remains forever. Lire davantage

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I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This new lease extension should be granted automatically to all leaseholders. This time should be used to reach a permanent solution that will ensure the cottage community remains forever. Lire davantage

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I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This new lease extension should be granted automatically to all leaseholders. This time should be used to reach a permanent solution that will ensure the cottage community remains forever. Lire davantage

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I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This new lease extension should be granted automatically to all leaseholders. This time should be used to reach a permanent solution that will ensure the cottage community remains forever. Lire davantage

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I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This new lease extension should be granted automatically to all leaseholders. This time should be used to reach a permanent solution that will ensure the cottage community remains forever. Lire davantage

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Take the fees payed by the cottagers and use the money to support the park and staff . Make the leases ongoing and long term with cost of living increases so the park staff can plan knowing that money will be yearly . Thank you Lire davantage

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I support the three year extension ERO 019-0907 for extension of cottages leases in ROndeau Park with a view for extending them long term. Taking them out will decimate the local economy and they are no threat to the environment, in fact they protect the dunes. Lire davantage

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I support cottagers staying in Rondeau - and I don’t even own a cottage there. They are the best advocates for the park and it’s natural habitat, and are a part of the history of Rondeau!

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This will confirm that I support the three-year lease extension under ERO 019-0907" in order to obtain a long term tenure for the leaseholders of Rondeau Provincial Park. Thank you Lire davantage

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In that the Ontario Parks Mandate fully supports that it's Citizens have the full use of it's land and facilities at Rondeau Provincial Park for education enjoyment, relaxation all within the bounds of the protection of environment and it's inhabitants. Lire davantage

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I support the three year lease extension at Rondeau Park as described in Policy Proposal 019-0907 as well as a speedy and permanent solution which allows the cottages to remain in the park.

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I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This new lease extension should be granted automatically to all leaseholders. This time should be used to reach a permanent solution that will ensure the cottage community remains forever. Lire davantage

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"I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This new lease extension should be granted automatically to all leaseholders. This time should be used to reach a permanent solution that will ensure the cottage community remains forever. Lire davantage

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I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This new lease extension should be granted automatically to all leaseholders. This time should be used to reach a permanent solution that will ensure the cottage community remains forever. Lire davantage