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My family has had a cottage in Rondeau Park since 1998. We have been going there since 1995. Some of my fondest memories are from the experiences I had in the park. It is a fantastic place for families and children. The cottages are important to the experience of the park.

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Rondeau cottages support Our Ontario economy .An extension is necessary but a Kong term solution is needed.Keeping current owners hostage by ciontinued short term plans is a very cruel action.Many cottages are senior citizens who are trying to plan for a reliable life plan.

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I support a lease extension for all of the cottagers in Rondeau. As a business owner in the region, I have come to depend on the business that cottagers bring to the Blenheim and Ridgetown areas during the warm-weather months. My business would not survive without the cottagers of Rondeau.

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I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders.

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I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders.

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I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders.

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I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders.

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I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders.