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I have read the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, this Phosphorous Reduction Strategy, and the Shoreline Protection Regulation Discussion Paper. There are stringent regulations for municipalities with regards to Sewage Treatment Plants and Stormwater Management Works (ie. ponds).

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I attended the MoE session in Ramara on March 3 and found it very inadequate. The easiest and fastest way to reduce the levels of phosphorus in Lake Simcoe is to immediately ban the use of phosphates in laundry detergents and dishwasher detergents.

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I attended the MoE session in Ramara on March 3 and found it very inadequate. The easiest and fastest way to reduce the levels of phosphorus in Lake Simcoe is to immediately ban the use of phosphates in laundry detergents and dishwasher detergents.

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This is just not a problem that needs to be solved by residents and businesses that live around Lake Simcoe. Any watershed streams and creeks that flow into Lake Simcoe need to be part of the strategy for PH reduction. PH is just one of the problems of Lake Simcoe.

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Campaign Lake Simcoe Response to the Draft Lake Simcoe Phosphorus Reduction Strategy Released February 17, 2010 Comments made March 2010 Summary Cities that sit on fault lines, such as San Francisco, have site-specific development standards that address the delicate tectonic conditions of the pla

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Reduce phosphorus levels in Lake Simcoe by: - immediately requiring the City of Orillia to develop leachate collection systems at the old and current landfills, which are located on the shore of the lake and currently leaching high levels of phosphorus and other contaminants into the Lake Simcoe;

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I attended the public information session in Newmarket and was most disappointed at the extremely low level of attendance. I was alarmed to learn of the projected further increases in phosphorus loading from our STC's and planned new (approved) developments in the watershed.

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1. The City recognizes that significant reductions in phosphorus input to Lake Simcoe are desirable and endorses the concept that these reductions should be shared by all contributing sectors.

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The following recommendation was passed by the General Committee of the Township of Ramara on March 29, 2010: CW.69.10THAT we respond to the Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) by April 3, 2010 with the following statements with regard to the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan: a)Phosphorous Reduction St

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April 1, 2010 Jennie Weller Senior Outreach and Consultation Coordinator Ministry of the Environment Environmental Programs Division Lake Simcoe Project Team 55 St.Clair Avenue West, Floor 7 Toronto, Ontario M4V 2Y7 Dear Ms.

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Submitted a Masters in Environmental Studies Candidate, Faculty of Environmental Studies,York University For ENVS 5178, "Canadian Environmental Policy 2" Lake Simcoe Protection Act and Plan's Draft Phosphorus Reduction Strategy Introduction This paper attempts to evaluate the draft Lake Simcoe Ph

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