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Wolf Lake once supported a varied and healthy fish population. Acid rains took the pH level so low that not much of anything lived in its waters for many years. Now, the pH has recovered and the fish have returned…bass, trout, whitefish and perch. Lire davantage

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I am in full support of the Flag Resources (1985) Limited mineral exploration permit in Mackelcan Township. It is important that this permit is granted without any unreasonable terms or conditions attached to further exploration efforts on this know mineral occurrence. Lire davantage

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In a time when we need to be drastically changing the way we operate to mitigate climate change, preserving land especially old growth land is one of the major things we need to do. I am very opposed to this development. Great Sudbury and Ontario need to be leaders in the change that is needed. Lire davantage

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Please do not further destroy the Sudbury Forest. Please protect this area of Wolf Lake and make it a provincial park or a forest reserve. Our ecosystems are dwindling, our planet is under a mass extinction due to anthropogenic caused warming and overconsumption. Lire davantage

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This is such a beautiful spot that should not be tampered with. Lets turn this area into a park that can be contunued to be enjoyed by generations to come! Its ease of access make it a excellent and logical choice by many campers and outdoor enthusiasts.

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Please protect Wolf Lake. The old growth forest there is increasingly rare and should be preserved. Allowing mining or other resource extraction is harmful to the forest, let's do better and try to care for our wild lands.

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I have many years of experience working in and with the mineral exploration industry. I am in support of the Flag Resources (1985) Limited being granted a mineral exploration permit to continue work on their property in the Wolf Lake area. Lire davantage