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I have done 2 canoe trips in Wolf Lake. It is stunning and best left for recreation, not mining. That area should be a park. I believe Wolf Lake's old growth red pine forest should be protected, perhaps as a provincial park, and definitely not open to any mining activity.

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Wolf Lake should not be used as Mining site - it’s the oldest growth forest and must remain as a parkland. It is a unique and ecological gem. Save Wolf Lake, don’t be responsible for its demise. Lire davantage

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The old growth forest in the Wolf Lake area is unique and is not replaceable. Mining exploration opens the door to mining that will result in the destruction of the old growth and the habitat of the flora and fauna in the area. Do not permit mining exploration in the area. Lire davantage

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I am in full support of the Flag resources (1985) Limited mineral exploration permit in Mackelcan Township. It is important that this permit is granted without ant delays. Also, the permit must not have any unreasonable terms or conditions attached. Lire davantage

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This is pristine land , with some original growth trees, in an important watershed area. It should be protected from all mining exploration and logging. I believe it should be designated as protected parkland for enjoyment if current and future generations Lire davantage