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I understand there is a red pine forest, on part of the property, owing to which some environmental lobbyists wish to have the area converted into a Provincial Park. I also understand that In actual fact, the forest will not be impacted by Flag’s proposed scope of work. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow exploration in this area, The ecosystems in the area are far too rich in biodiversity to allow someone to come in and negatively affect the area just to further pad their wallets. Lire davantage

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Please consider converting this area into a wilderness provincial park or nature preserve! It's been part of a scenic canoe route for generations, and as home of the oldest Red Pine stand in North America, is a natural treasure that should be protected for future generations as well.

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Submitted comments re: Flag Resources (1985) Limited- Mineral exploration permit Instrument type: Mineral exploration permit ERO number 019-0593 Ministry reference number PR-19-000237 Submitted by: Lire davantage

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I work in mining! I think that mining is an important resource. But there are some places that simply trump the extraction of ore. Wolf Lake is one of those places. We must protect this natural wonder at all cost.

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I oppose the proposal of a mining exploration permit at Wolf Lake. This area is invaluable for recreation containing some of the most beautiful and renowned camping areas not just within the Sudbury district but also beyond.

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Wolf Lake has been scientifically endorsed as the largest contiguous old-growth red pine forest in North America. Wolf Lake's old-growth forest should be protected as parkland, not open for mining activity. Lire davantage

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Old growth pine forests provide countless benefits to wildlife and ecosystems. Ecosystem health, in turn, affects people. We need to be conserving and preserving what little natural areas we have left. We need to be moving towards renewable energy opportunities. Lire davantage

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I oppose the proposal of mining exploration at Wolf Lake. Surely there is no need to destroy intact t old growth forests for momentary money value. Some things are more important. Environment for one!