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I strongly oppose the proposal of a mining exploration permit for Wolf Lake. You would be demolishing the largest remaining stand of old growth Red Pine left on this Earth. Destroying this would be abhorrant. When will enough be enough of destroying what’s left on this planet ?? Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose the proposal of a mining exploration permit for Wolf Lake. You would be demolishing the largest remaining stand of old growth Red Pine left on this Earth. Destroying this would be abhorrant. When will enough be enough of destroying what’s left on this planet ?? Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake’s forests need to be protected and not opened for mining activity. Mining is so destructive and these old growth forests are sacred. Respect Indigenous People’s rights and sovereignty.

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Wolf Lake has long been recognized as the only example - in Ontario and the world - of a large contiguous old growth red pine ecosystem - one that should be protected as parkland not open for mining. Please protect - NOT EXPLOIT - this rare habitat. Lire davantage

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I'm not sure why exploration in Wolf Lake's old growth red pine forest is even on the table. We are currently facing the biggest environmental crisis of our time and should protecting these areas. The last remaining areas! It astonishes me that this is even a discussion. Lire davantage

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I am in full support of the Flag Resources (1985) Limited mineral exploration permit in Mackelcan Township. It is important that this permit is granted without any delays. Also, the permit must not have any unreasonable terms or conditions attached. Lire davantage