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I am in full support of the Flag Resources (1985) Limited mineral exploration Permit application for their claims in Mackelcan Township. It is important that the Permit be granted in a timely fashion and Lire davantage

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I am so very thankful I attended the Save Wolf Lake benefit concert last night. We need to protect this beautiful area before it’s too late. Thanks to this dedicated group for raising awareness about Wolf Lake and the importance of protecting a valuable piece of our history. Well done!

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Mining needs to be prohibited at Wolf Lake. Wolf Lake is a natural jewel and needs to be preserved. The Wolf Lake area needs to be added to the Chiniguchi waterway Park to complete the corridor. Lire davantage

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I am in full support of the Flag Resources (1985) Limited mineral exploration permit in Mackelcan Township. It is important that this permit is granted without any delays. Also, the permit must not have any unreasonable terms or conditions attached. Lire davantage

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I am writing in support of the Flag Resources (1985) Limited’s mineral exploration permit in Mackelcan Township. I think that exploration must be permitted on valid mining leases and claims without delays, or unreasonable conditions, provided the obligations of the Mining Act are met. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake’s old growth red Pine forest should be protected from mining or development. We have so few of these old growth areas left, and no others near by. Make Wolf Lake’s old growth forest a protected area or give it a wildlife preserve/park status.

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I oppose the issue of a mining exploration permit in the Township of Mackelcan. This area holds the largest old growth stand of red pine left on earth. This is an ecologically and culturally sensitive area. If mining exploration and acitivities are to occur, it could cause irreversible damage. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake has some of the last old growth forests in Ontario and should be protected. Please do not open this fragile area up for development. I have canoed here in the past and have seen the results of previous explorations; they still have not been cleaned up. Lire davantage

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The status of the Old Growth Red Pine forest in this area should not be left open to debate, it should be designated as a Park, connected to the existing system that exists North and South of Wolf Lake. This area represents the largest remaining contiguous Red pine stand left in North America. Lire davantage

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The area surrounding Wolf Lake has the last standing old growth Red Pine forest ON THIS PLANET. Protecting our natural ecosystems are far more important than finding new ore deposits. Lire davantage

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I am in full support of the Flag Resources (1985) Limited mineral exploration permit in Mackelcan Township. It is important that this permit is granted without any delays or any unreasonable terms or conditions. Lire davantage