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Please protect Wolf Lake old growth red pine forest - the world’s biggest remaining old growth red pine forest - by not allowing further mining exploration. Disturbance and debris still remain from past mining exploration activity of the company that is requesting to extend their lease. Thank you. Lire davantage

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Before any further work is allowed, the mining company should be made to clean up ALL the debris from its earlier work. As well there must be weekly supervision of the work already approved and the work should be stopped if there is ANY further damage to this important site.

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Please stop all mining and exploration at this beautiful site. It should be protected below ground as much as it is above. Anyone doing anything other than enjoying nature here should be ashamed of themselves! Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake Temagami needs to protected and preserved as a wilderness forest NOT destroyed or even disrupted by mining interests! Please do not be influenced by the mining lobbyists. Lire davantage

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I’ve enjoyed many canoe trips and camping nights on Wolf Lake since the mid-1970s. It would be a real tragedy to open the door to mining exploration and the potential of extraction there. One need only look at the nearby Sudbury area to see the landscape impacts. Lire davantage

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I'm am a supporter of saving Wolf Lake. The region and it's beauty are worth protecting from industry. The lake is part of popular camping routes, used by adults and kids. Show the next generation of people that Wolf Lake is worth protecting. Lire davantage

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It is time to put our remaining resources first and foremost, before they are gone. Our old growth forests are our last remaining heritage that we can leave for our children. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake is a place of environmental importance to the surrounding ecosystens. Not to mention the location holds significance for many Ontarians recreationally. Exploration on Wolf Lake would undermine the recreational & ecological value this area holds. Lire davantage

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If exploration can be done responsibly and does not effect the concerns of others. Then it should be conducted as mineral development is very important to the north. Lire davantage

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Despite the fact that mining debris has yet to be cleaned up from the previous work done in the mid 80s and 90s. I am requestung that Flag Resources be held accountable for the original mess, before the application and/or the permit issued. Lire davantage

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I went on a trip to temagami in 2017 and stayed at wolf lake for a couple of nights. The clear, cold water makes this place so special to me, and many others. Places like paradise lagoon can not be seen at any other place in the world except for there.

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This project should at least have the ability to drill test the geology. They wont be removing trees, and drilling (especially fall/winter drilling) does not cause damage - any residual water freezes and is significantly diluted during spring melt. Lire davantage

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I heard on CBC radio this morning that a group in Sudbury will be holding a fundraiser to support opposition to Flag Resources (1985) Limited’s application for a permit to do mechanized drilling on its property in Mackelcan Township. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake, the world’s largest remaining old-growth red pine forest—some 300 years old and 15 stories high—is essential to Ontario's biodiversity and needs immediate protection. Lire davantage

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It is simply abhorrent that this company has been allowed to renew it's mining leases in the Wolf Lake Forest Reserve. This area should be protected as a provincial park and the government should forbid any further development for resource extraction period.

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If one counts what remains of the entire earth's first growth forests, there is but little remaining. We must say enough is enough to its destruction come a point, before there is nothing left; right? Lire davantage