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I agree with the Ministry Order. Companies need to stop putting profit ahead of public safety. They need to stop the deliveries and test and comply with the Ministry for public health.

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We are dealing with a similar potential issue in our municipality with the proposed filling of a quarry pit with excess soils. The pit extents 8 meters below the aquifer,"it is essentially a huge well". I fully support the this order by the director. Lire davantage

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Last year there were a suspected 24,000 loads of soil delivered to this site on Hwy 5. Neighbours and passersby had to deal with mud and debris daily on a posted 80km road. Lire davantage

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this order is not near extensive enough, i am a neighbor to this property. this property is an agricultural 1 zoned property with no exemptions, it is also located in the Greenbelt. Lire davantage