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Why is there any proposal at all for killing moose calves when there is a concern about declining moose populations - this makes no sense at all. Lire davantage

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While Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is starting to heed its own research and the voices of many Ontarians, the proposed changes do not go far enough and there are no additional moose protection measures being considered. Lire davantage

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First off we should NOT be killing our Canadian baby moose. It is absolutely abhorrent that we allow calf hunting of our Canadian baby moose at all. These animals have a right to life, and we have no right to end it for sport. It is not a sport to hunt a baby. Lire davantage

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Please stop the calf hunt, how will the population grow. Blaming wolves etc. is not the correct answer. Ask 1st nations people they will tell that calf tags is not the way to sustain the moose population.

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First of all, short of banning ALL hunting which I know won't happen in my lifetime, I agree with all of the following: End the calf hunt completely Establish and protect moose refuge areas Commit more resources for enforcement, monitoring and research Lire davantage

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Enough. There is no reason beyond barbarity for hunting moose calves. End this now. Refuge areas for moose must be established and they should be properly enforced, monitored and researched. Lire davantage

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End the calf hunt completely Establish and protect moose refuge areas Commit more resources for enforcement, monitoring and research Change the composition of BGMAC to be more representative of all Ontarians

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Please enforce the moose hunting by laws to protect this majestic species. I would like and recommend a more strict approach and rules laws and penalties to be strickly enforced. I do not agree with hunting it is not a sport and in my opinion should only be used by indigenous people.

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Save Ontario moose. Stop calf hunting and provide protected habitat for moose. Protect them for future generations and to ensure biodiversity to maintain a healthy planet.

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Please stop killing off Moose! They are such extraordinary animals ! Put on a David Suzuki Documentary Show and watch the stunning photographs in in show!! Killing animals for sport is cruel and not worth doing! Lire davantage

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I am a resident of NW Ontario. Part of our diet includes moose. It has been nine years since I recieved a tag. How can this be happening? Something needs to change so people do not go this long without a tag. We should not have to pay to enter the tag draw. Lire davantage

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Hi. Why you make more difficult to apply. New wey very confusing. Too much to appy for just one moose tag. It is sinple now wey change it? We apply and get tag easy today. Why north people get more point? No fare. You need to make it equal for all. Why you take tags away from us for bow? No fare. Lire davantage