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End the calf hunt completely. Establish and protect moose refuge areas. Commit more resources for enforcement, monitoring and research. Change the composition of BGMAC to be more representative of all Ontarians.

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To increase moose populations you should eliminate calf hunts in low population moose areas and limit calf hunts in the other areas. Give out more bull tags than cow tags. Lire davantage

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I am beyond disgusted that Moose calves are included in tagging to be killed ! The sheer greed and lack of compassion towards these wildlife animals and their right to live in the their habit is shocking .Since when is it acceptable to kill mothers and babies .STOP THIS MADDNESS now

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End the calf hunt completely Establish and protect moose refuge areas Commit more resources for enforcement, monitoring and research Change the composition of BGMAC to be more representative of all Ontarians These are the recommended alternative to killing babies

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It is not acceptable to keep slaughtering wildlife. It is despicable and disgraceful that such an incredible unethical and immoral decision is being considered. Lire davantage

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Please be considerate of the Moose Calf’s. If you want to continue to have any big game at all...manage the adult population and allow the calf’s to grow to full maturity. How manly do you really feel killing a child pretty much? No different then hunting our children.

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I believe that Canada should increase its lands for wildlife and protect these habitats. I think it is wrong to kill calves and mothers. We have so much money going towards the military and wars in the middle east. Lire davantage

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When looking at the protection of the moose population Ontario some important points must be taken into consideration; . End the calf hunt completely . Establish and protect moose refuge areas . Commit more resources for enforcement, monitoring and research Lire davantage

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Moose are in decline across North America with some notable exceptions such as Newfoundland and Colorado. Everywhere else, there are significant declines in population due to the pressures of predation, disease, hunting, winter kills and hunting. This species cannot adequately replace itself. Lire davantage

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Hello- thank you for receiving feedback on this- I believe that it is important that we establish and protect moose refuge areas and end the calf hunt completely. Commit more resources for enforcement, monitoring and research of moose population. Lire davantage

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End the calf hunt completely Establish and protect moose refuge areas Commit more resources for enforcement, monitoring and research Change the composition of BGMAC to be more representative of all Ontarians

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End the calf hunt completely. Establish and protect moose refuge areas. Commit more resources for enforcement, monitoring and research. Change the composition of BGMAC to be more representative of all Ontarians.

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End the calf hunt completely Establish and protect moose refuge areas Commit more resources for enforcement, monitoring and research Change the composition of BGMAC to be more representative of all Ontarians

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It is good that the MNRF is using the latest research to implement some changes to the Moose Management system for Ontario. However, I still think they are paying too much attention to the hunters in the province when making these changes. Lire davantage

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Dear Minister, I urge you to: Protect Wolves and Coyotes in Ontario by turning down the proposed changes made by Big Game Management Advisory Committee (BGMAC) that would allow for increased hunting of wolves and coyotes in most of Northern Ontario as set out in ERO number 019-0406; Lire davantage

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We need stronger protections for moose, created by people who are not just interested in hunting them. All living creatures are a vital part of the natural balance, and should be proe

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Contrary to what hunters often say in defense of their cruel pastime, hunting has nothing to do with “conservation” or “population control.” In fact, animals are often specially bred and raised for hunters to kill. Lire davantage