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The idea of limiting group sizes directly affects our group. We have been an organized camp since the 1940's. We currently own the land our camp is situated on. We have 17 members belonging to our organization, If you decide to limit the group numbers, then obviously this directly affects us. Lire davantage

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As well, tag distribution, should go to the landowners/property lease holders , who pay taxes and land use fees, first and foremost. the leftover or surplus tags, can then go to groups outside of that

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To improve the moose management in the province of Ontario it is critical to put aside our personal emotions and wants in regards to hunting moose. We must understand that managing moose effectively and now, will ensure plenty of hunting opportunities in the future. Lire davantage

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Submit following: CALF HARVEST CONTROLS: I do not support the extension of the calf season, have restricted times, not open during archery and only if you have an antlerless tag. DO NOT have calf tags ONLY antlerless tags, or antlered tags BOW SEASONS AND QUOTAS Lire davantage

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Reducing an allowable group size to 10 or even 8 seems unfair. We currently party hunt legally with 1 adult tag and calf tags with a large group. This would directly affect our hunt and ability to select which area or stand we hunt at each day.

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I oppose the implementation of a maximum party size. I strongly oppose the reduction in distance that Party members must be from their tag from 5km to 3km.

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I see most of the proposed changes as positive but have concern about changing the maximum distance from the tag holder to 3 km. I see this as dangerous. People will still hunt in groups, this is a social thing, and confining groups to smaller areas to me is dangerous. It is not worth the gain. Lire davantage

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I support Calf tag control but it should be for the entire province to grow moose populations. No one should be able to harvest calves now without a calf tag, we cannot get adults without maximising our reproduction. Lire davantage

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I am against the elimination of group applications and the reduction of group sizes to ten. Our group comes from many different areas far away which brings in money to the local communities. If we are not allocated a tag, we will not get together and spend this money. Lire davantage

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The proposal should also include dividing the season length in two parts.We should have the first part of the 5 week season or the second part as a check off on application on top of others ie wmu,arch,gun.The splitting of the season should also apply to archery hunting. Lire davantage

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In the moose management system, hunting in a group or individual applicants, once your tag has been filled, all hunters With tag filled should be done hunting for that season. This will prevent hunters , not part of that group , filling other hunters tags. Lire davantage

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I support the proposal and would encourage the government to adopt all of the recommendations made by the Big Game Management Advisory Committee as soon as possible.

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I have issues with the limit of 10 hunters per tag. The trying to control tag fill rates by controlling the size of the group seems backwards. Why not control the tags given out. In our hunting group some times we have 20 or more hunters. Lire davantage

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It seems pretty simple, Points based system is fine as per the wishes of the 52% of respondents in the latest survey. However, it would be interesting to know how many responses there was as a percentage of the 90,000 licenses sold in 2018? Lire davantage

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Concerns with: New bow season and quotas - Lets keep all thing equal between bow and gun quotas that they all apply for the same and after the draw they can choose for the bow or the gun if they are a lucky applicant. Preference point system: What is a modest fee????? Lire davantage