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While the compliance approval is currently in a period open for public comment, there is currently no adequate way to review further details about the environmental damage that this approval would cause. Lire davantage

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It is my understanding that Cargill is applying for environmental approval for their new(ish)gas chambers that take the lives of up to 120,000 birds daily. I have a number of concerns about the environmental and ethical impacts of this proposal. Lire davantage

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I am 100% against this slaughterhouse. In our current climate crisis, it is not just folly, but insanity, to breed and kill more animals. We are also moving into a new era of information regarding the detriment eating animals poses to our health. Lire davantage

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Frankly, I'm ashamed to have to comment on these issues at all. Meat production facilities, livestock farms, and the meat/dairy/egg industry overall are one of the leading causes of this climate crisis we're presently in. Lire davantage

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Cargill Environmental Approval 019-0231 (permission is given to display these publicly) General comments: Cargill is seeking an environmental compliance approval from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment related to air pollution from their chicken slaughterhouse in London. Lire davantage

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Insufficient information regarding water and energy use for the gas chamber method has been provided by Cargill. They undertook the transition from electric water stunning to gas chambers approximately 1 year ago but the Ministry is only now inviting public comment? Lire davantage

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Due to the fact that he City of London recently declared a climate emergency, the provincial application should be considered in this light, with a much more stringent review of energy and waste guidelines. Lire davantage

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I am a long time resident of London and am shocked that so many lives are unnecessarily stolen every single day at Cargill. There is no right way or "better" way to do the wrong thing. Lire davantage

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As a post-secondary student who has been living in London for four years now, I can safely say that I - and the vast majority of the student population and London locals - think the proposed new slaughterhouse would be a biohazardous, cruel, unwanted, and foresight-less addition to our Forest City. Lire davantage

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I do not support this company whatsoever as they are adding to violence in my city. But more relevant, they are not supporting the environment in any way, directly or indirectly. Directly, this company uses such things as gas chambers which of course impact the environment. Lire davantage

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Where is the information on water, energy & sewage requirements of the changes? Didn’t London recently declare a climate emergency? How many more farms in the area as a result? More info please! Lire davantage