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The Greenbelt is home to farmland, forests, watersheds and wetlands. It sustains life and is one of the largest greenbelts in the world, which should be a source of pride to us all.
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Bill 66 goes way too far by rendering impotent the protections of our laws for our water sources, farm land, natural heritage systems, and our Great Lakes all for the alleged intent of cutting red tape .
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This act is short sighted and damaging to communities. The environmental risk it entails is beneficial only in the very term and is therefore selfish to future generations. I strongly feel it should be abandoned.
Allowing development in those areas of the province that (eg. Oak Ridges Morraine) will have a negative impact on ground water resources that support our urban areas and natural spaces. Development will increase storm run-off thereby reducing the water filtering into ground water.
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January 7, 2019
Mr. Ken Petersen
Provincial Planning Policy Branch
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
777 Bay St., 13th Floor
Toronto, ON M5G 2E5
Dear Mr. Petersen:
Re: Response to Request for Comments
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January 20, 2019
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I am not comfortable with a regulation that will allow municipalities to by-pass protections for open and significant environmental features, including, but not limited to the Green Belt, Niagara Escarpment and Oak Ridges Moraine.
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It is inconceivable that a government that committed to protecting the Greenbelt is now putting it and all other natural and environmentally significant spaces at risk simply to attract polluters to our province.
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Re Bill 66, Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act
I don't think exempting businesses from municipal and provincial bylaws is appropriate. Why should larger businesses be exempt and not me. I'm a tax payer and Canadian citizens and should have similar rights.
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I am not happy about this decision. I think that Ontario is already badly enough laid out in terms of protecting the environment for the people. Please keep the green belt as is, or strengthen it further to allow greenspace accessibility for those of us stuck in the city.
Hundreds of families depend on this as their clean water source in the Hamilton and Halton Regions. I know there are people who drive out from Toronto. I myself drive 40 minutes each way out from Smithville to bottle water here every week.
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The contemplated policy appears to be a blatant attempt to circumvent numerous environmental protections under the guise of "being open for business." This is not what the government was elected to do.
I think this is a bad idea. I am really worried this Act will be used to build on green space, destroy the remain green belt areas. 20 days for government intervention is not enough at all too. Please reconsider!
The Province of Ontario’s proposed Bill 66 allows for provincial intervention to remove or weaken protections on safe drinking water, agricultural lands, and democratic consultation.
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Please delete Schedule 10 from Bill 66. It undermines all of our environmental legislation such as the Lake Simcoe Protection Act, Clean Water Act, Greenbelt Act, Protective policies in the Growth Plan and the Oak Ridges Moraine Act, just to name a few.
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The land use protections and…
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Nouveau règlement proposé pris en application de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire pour l’outil d’aménagement ouvert aux affaires
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The Greenbelt is home to…
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Nouveau règlement proposé pris en application de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire pour l’outil d’aménagement ouvert aux affaires
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Bill 66 goes way too far by…
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This act is short sighted…
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January 7, 2019 BY E-MAIL…
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January 20, 2019 ERO Number…
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I am not comfortable with a…
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It is inconceivable that a…
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I reject Bill 66. As a 60…
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Hi, Re Bill 66, Restoring…
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I am not happy about this…
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Hundreds of families depend…
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Nouveau règlement proposé pris en application de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire pour l’outil d’aménagement ouvert aux affaires
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The contemplated policy…
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Nouveau règlement proposé pris en application de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire pour l’outil d’aménagement ouvert aux affaires
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I think this is a bad idea…
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The Province of Ontario’s…
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Nouveau règlement proposé pris en application de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire pour l’outil d’aménagement ouvert aux affaires
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Please delete Schedule 10…
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Nouveau règlement proposé pris en application de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire pour l’outil d’aménagement ouvert aux affaires
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Nouveau règlement proposé pris en application de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire pour l’outil d’aménagement ouvert aux affaires
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