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I have concerns that rushing through development proposals will be at the expense of environmental and safety issues. There is a process in place for these things to ensure that new development will respect current environmental and safety regulations that help protect our planet and our people. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to this proposal. Greenbelt and other protected lands are resources that help sustain communities. They contain water sources and major carbon-capture resources - trees. These lands have been protected for very valid reasons. Lire davantage

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This regulation weakens the Greenbelt, and is detrimental to Ontario’s long-term environmental goals. Please remove this regulation and consider strengthening protections for vital farmland, forests, and wetlands.

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Bill 66 is a serious threat to our water quality and supply, agricultural and rural communities, natural ecosystems, and the continued smart growth of its urban cores. I do not support it whatsoever!

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I oppose this new regulation. Our environmental resources with our green belts and farms cannot be restored once destroyed. Our migratory birds and many other animals rely on this stretch of land to survive. Lire davantage

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This is a short sighted proposal. If we loosen environmental protection bringing about inadvertent contamination of the environment the costs will be exponentially greater than the benefit of any business that is attracted in the short term. Lire davantage

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Bill 66 goes against very hard fought climate change initiatives, such as preserving the Green Belt. These lands are vital for cooling and clean drinking water sources. Lire davantage

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By allowing the Planning Departments more freedom to build in green spaces, they are disregarding environmental issues which will affect volume and water quality. This will also open up industrialization that will negatively affect the ground environment and emissions concerning air quality. Lire davantage

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I am extremely concerned by the changes in proposed Bill 66 that weaken Ontario's environmental rules and regulations. Lire davantage

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I believe that that this regulation should not go through under that Planning Act. As a master of planning student, I believe we have to protect our environmentally sensitive areas from development such as Ontario's Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine. Lire davantage

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Kitchener-Waterloo Climate Save

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This is not about being open for business. This is about being open for pollution and being open to not undergoing the proper environmental reviews. Don't open Ontario for more pollution. We can no longer afford to allow businesses and corporations to destroy the planet. Lire davantage

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The proposal is the thin end of a wedge. While apparently business friendly and somewhat benign in its wording, it has potential to be exploited to undermine the Greenbelt provisions. The Greenbelt is something Ontarians should be proud of and should be sacrosanct.

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Kitchener-Waterloo Climate Save

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We are appalled that the provincial government is even considering legislation that would weaken environmental guidelines that we so desperately need in this day and age. We are appalled that the government is putting our collective future at risk. This is never okay and it never will be. Lire davantage

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I am absolutely appalled that this government is willing to lift environmental protections to promote industry. I live in Tottenham, Ontario. Lire davantage

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This proposal appears to contravene good planning principles which ensure that all use is balanced. How will the tool protect environmentally sensitive areas and open space? How will it interact with the proposed removal of regulations for toxics reduction? Lire davantage

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Rural Townships and their villages are in critical need of business growth and related job creation so in general the Ontario Governments initiatives to attract and encourage business and create jobs in Ontario are laudable. Lire davantage

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I strongly object to the proposed new regulation under the Planning Act to facilitate the "open for business planning tool" for the following reasons: Lire davantage

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Please dont allow this bill to pass. It is essential for the protections to remain in place. Bill 66 will mean a loss in jobs for regulatory staff and consultants who complete the required studies prior to development. Lire davantage

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We are approaching environmental catastrophe. The greenbelt was a massive step forward in protecting our environment, preserving farmland and encouraging urban intensification. Lire davantage

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I am utterly opposed to this proposal -- we don't need more commercial businesses in our rural green spaces. It is vital to protect these precious areas from development. Lire davantage