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I'd like to share my disagreement with the proposed Bill 66 and this repeal. I feel the negative impacts it will have on our environment, water security, air, and health are far greater than the proposed competitiveness gain. Lire davantage

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I have lived in or near the Ontario Greenbelt for over 10 years, and have seen the negative impact of poor consultation and decision-making by our municipalities first hand. Lire davantage

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This is not a good idea, especially since it is so very vague. For example – what is defined as a “major employment use”? Would this include high-risk polluters such as a quarry, a factory, or a tannery, for example? Lire davantage

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B-66 is a blatant attempt by the current government to undo critical, even vital, work of past governments to preserve Ontario's Greenbelt, something that Ontarions and Canadians rely on to provide clean water and healthy food. Lire davantage

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As a biology professor and researcher I must say that tools giving opportunities to expand into important greenspace including limited habitats for various species at risk is very short-sighted. Greenbelt areas include important habitats for many listed species that may be on a road to extinction. Lire davantage

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Nottawasaga Steelheaders

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Dear Premier and Ministers: The Nottawasaga Steelheaders would like to respond to the proposed Bill 66. Please find attached a our response/report. We would like the report to be read and commented on. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Yours truly, Gary Christie Lire davantage

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I strongly urge you NOT to proceed with the new regulation under the Planning Act for the open-for-business planning tool. Lire davantage

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Provincial and municipal data show there is enough land already available in our towns and cities for our housing needs up to 2041. There is also a surplus of land for new businesses and we should be encouraging investment in these areas. Lire davantage

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It is absolutely essential that the present boundaries of the Green Belt be kept as they are. Municipalities in Ontario have more than enough land outside of the Green Belt which can be developed, repurposed, or intensified. Lire davantage

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ok this is part 2  of shed. 5 on reporting: I am writing to express my strong opposition to Schedule 5 of Bill 66. The position of this government that repealing the TRA eliminates unnecessary duplication of laws is untrue and unfounded. The TRA Does Not Duplicate CEPA; It Supplements It. Lire davantage

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Halton Region

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See attached letter and attachments from Halton Region (please delete previous Comment IDs 20715, 20717, 20718; attachments missing). Lire davantage

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I am a supporter of the Food & Water First movement and appreciate the opportunity to comment on the proposed Bill 66. I participated in the recent review of the Co-ordinated Land Use proposals for the Greenbelt, Niagara Escarpment, Oak Ridges Moraine and Greater Golden Horseshoe Growth plans. Lire davantage