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I do not support Bill 66 and, in particular, Schedule 10. I am very concerned that Bill 66 will have negative consequences for the environment, drinking water, air and land pollution, farmland, human health, and democracy. Lire davantage

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This change in the planning act will dramatically reduce environmental protections for drinking water, farmland, and the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Comments on Bill 66 - New Regulation under the Planning Act for Open-for-Business Planning Tool Based on years of experience dealing with the shortcomings of an application to re-open an old toxic landfill in: • class one wetland • in Carolinian forest Lire davantage

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The rules and regulations that protect Ontarians and their future is not red tape. They are the result of years of experience, science and research, and policy reform. This does not mean that all Ontarians and especially developers will agree with them, but they exist for a reason. Lire davantage

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Sections 5 and 10 should be removed from Bill 66. The impact on the environment and on the citizens in communities throughout Ontario would be irreparable should this bill be passed as is. It would lead to the loss of natural heritage areas, threaten the safety of our drinking water, Lire davantage

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In no way should the Green Belt be open to development. This is land that needs to be protected for future generations. Why take such a short-sighted view for possible short-term gain. Ontario's land and natural resources are a precious gift to all of us who live in our province. Lire davantage

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As a young water sciences professional working in the field of Coastal Stewardship and Management, and someone who's read the proposed amendments to the Planning Act- I do not support the proposed amendments. Lire davantage

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Bill 66 Schedule 10 should be abandoned for reasons I stated in comments to other proposals. There is no need for this law for municipalities to be open for business. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to this tool because it will allow for the overriding of important policies and plans that provide protection of our natural environment. There is no right of appeal with an open-for-business by-law.

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I am horrified at the prospect of Bill 66! Kingston is one of Canada's most historic cities. A bill like this would threaten their preservation.

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I am very concerned that Bill 66 will allow heritage structures to be inappropriately altered or even demolished through overriding other legislation and safeguards (such as municipal Official Plans and the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal appeals process). Lire davantage

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Breaking the promise not to open up the Greenbelt, Lake Simcoe Watershed, the Oak Ridges Moraine and source water protection areas to new development shows a fundamental disrespect to voters. Lire davantage

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The most dangerous aspect of Bill 66 is that it will allow municipalities to bypass critical environmental regulations as long as at least 50 new jobs are created. This will effectively gut the most important environmental protections in the province including: the Greenbelt Act Lire davantage

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Not in favour of Bill 66. The policy takes away the right of the normal planning processes put in place to protect our lake areas providing the development is for business. Lire davantage

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Thank goodness that the city of Cambridge and neighbouring municipalities have had the good sense to opt out of this bill! It could do great harm! Lire davantage

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I do not support Bill 66 to remove the protection of the Planning Act and Provincial Policy Statements for significant built heritage resources and significant cultural landscapes anywhere in the Province of Ontario. Lire davantage

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Ontario Professional Planners Institute

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January 18, 2019 Michael Helfinger Intergovernmental Policy Coordination Unit 900 Bay Street, Hearst Block, 7th Floor Toronto, ON M6H 4L1 Ken Petersen Provincial Planning Policy Branch 777 Bay Street, 13th floor Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Lire davantage

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We are ABSOLUTELY AGAINST Bill 66. Business and industry is only one part of a successful and healthy province. You must keep the regulations already in place to protect our water, our recreation and green space, our farmland and our communities and to control green house gases. Lire davantage