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As a registered professional planner, I can't express adequately how terrible this piece of legislation would be for Ontario. This is an extremely short-sighted proposal, please rethink it.

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This proposed law is a complete disgrace. Allowing municipalities to override environmental protections for the creation of just 50(!) jobs will be an unmitigated disaster. Lire davantage

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As a nurse, I disapprove of opening the green belt for business. It is Canada's responsibility to preserve the green belt for both national and international interests and well-being. The green belt should be protected for both clean air and preserved animal habitat.

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Absolutely against this proposed tool. It will open up our precious Greenbelt for development, without any public consultation, and the people will suffer in the end.

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As an Ontario Resident and Taxpayer, I object to Bill 66 for the planned repeal of the Toxics Reduction Act, 2009 and underlying regulations in 2021. This legislation was enacted to reduce toxic substances through legislation, education and incentive programs. Lire davantage

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I am against this proposal! OUR GREENBELT IS AT RISK ONCE AGAIN!! Despite promising to keep their hands off, Premier Doug Ford and his government are proposing problematic changes to the legislation designed to ensure our wonderful Greenbelt is protected! Lire davantage

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013-4239 New Regulation under the Planning Act for open-for-business planning tool (6-Dec-2018 to 21-Jan-2019) Lire davantage

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I am not in favour of any plans to build in the green belt. We are destroying every last inch of this planet and leaving nothing for future generations. It is a slippery slope once something gets the green light to build. Lire davantage

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There must simply be additional requirements related to environmental protections. Creating jobs is not enough because building in the green belt directly harms our environment. Businesses should be required to include special environmentally friendly functions if opening up this land. Lire davantage

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I live in Toronto, Ontario. I am very concerned about changes to Planning Act. Under no circumstances should municipal governments be allowed to circumvent environmental acts for the purposes of development whether for employment, retail, or residential needs. Lire davantage

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Employment is important yes - but so is the environment, farmland and protecting green space!!! Regulations like the Greenbelt Plan are in place for important purposes. Lire davantage

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I am extremely concerned by the blatant disregard for existing planning provisions in the Planning Act found in Bill 66. The Planning Act sets for conformity to Provincial policies and plans, and Municipal plans and by-laws as a key instrument in articulating good planning. Lire davantage

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This proposal is very frightening. Were already sitting at record low unemployment numbers, and while we cant simply coast off that, regulations that bypass important and vital environmental regulations should be unacceptable.

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Protecting & increasing support for the Greenbelt including the Niagara Escarpment will do more for business, especially tourism, than degrading the protections in favour of built development. Do not weaken protections for these natural & green spaces. Lire davantage

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I am against any legislation that will leave our green spaces unprotected. Protecting our wetlands, farmlands and forests is paramount to guaranteeing a future for all if us in Ontario. This has been well proven.

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This comment is in direct response to the Government of Ontario's proposal to open the Greenbelt, Oak Ridges Moraine and other protected areas for development following the new "open for business" zoning change to the Planning Act. Lire davantage