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I am strongly opposed to the idea of permitting Municipalities to fast track development of businesses and avoid process that involve public consultation and assessments such as Environmental assessments. Good decision making and consultation takes time. Lire davantage

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I think that the Bill 66 Open-for-Business regulation is the wrong approach to attracting business in Ontario. You should not be removing environmental protections to attract business. The fact that this regulation will override many of our environmental acts is very disappointing. Lire davantage

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This new proposed Bill 66 is completely antidemocratic, robbing the citizens the right to look at the proposed developments before they are approved and then forbidding us from any chance of appeal. I really think this is exactly what us citizens don't need or want. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my strong opposition to Schedule 10 of Bill 66, which introduces “open-for-business by-laws” that would circumvent many of the requirements under several laws to ensure fair, consistent and transparent public engagement in land use decisions and protection of water, natural h Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my strong opposition to Schedule 10 of Bill 66, which introduces “open-for-business by-laws” that would circumvent many of the requirements under several laws to ensure fair, consistent and transparent public engagement in land use decisions and protection of water, natural h Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my strong opposition to Schedule 10 of Bill 66, which introduces “open-for-business by-laws” that would circumvent many of the requirements under several laws to ensure fair, consistent and transparent public engagement in land use decisions and protection of water, natural h Lire davantage

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There absolutely should be no development in the Greenbelt - municipalities should not be permitted to bypass existing local requirements especially to the detriment of our environment and the health of the people who live in the area. Official plans and zoning must be adhered to.

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Ontario Farmland Trust

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Ontario Farmland Trust (OFT) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to protect and preserve Ontario farmlands and associated agricultural, natural, and cultural features of the countryside. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is our long-term source of farmland, recreation and respite from the urban landscape. Introducing additional residential and commercial development on this land only creates further sprawl and higher volume on highways. Lire davantage

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I am writing today to state my clear opposition to the “open for business by-law.” Planning applications under this by-law would not be subject to the Clean Water Act, Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan for Northern Ontario, and other prescribed provisions that protect human health and the env Lire davantage

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I disagree with Bill 66, specifically Schedule 5 and Schedule 10. It is undemocratic to repeal and eliminate safeguards found in various acts, calling them "red tape". Lire davantage

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I do not support Bill 66. I do not support Schedule 5 and Schedule 10 under this Bill. It is undemocratic and lacks transparency. It would leave citizens without recourse. Community members would not be able to appeal open-for-business by-laws to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. Lire davantage

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I do not support Bill 66. I do not support Schedule 5 and Schedule 10 under this Bill. It is undemocratic and lacks transparency. It would leave citizens without recourse. Community members would not be able to appeal open-for-business by-laws to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. Lire davantage