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This should be an obvious no. Any request to DECREASE air quality by INCREASING pollutants has zero
positive effect on the community. In addition, this only negatively impacts the environment, which,
as you know, is a HUGE global issue.
Lire davantage
HI! please protect our residential area. the should change the zoning and this meat processing
company should be out of this area by now.
No more dumping of toxic waste to our area.
My family and myself are completely against this proposal from
Ryding Regency. They already operate outside the standard there is no way we want them to make even
more pollution.
Why are big/heavy industrial businesses allowed in a residential neighborhood? How could those who
approved the sale allow this intrusiveness to happen? Why don't they try to put themselves in the
residents' shoes? Do they know what we have to deal with on a daily basis?
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This is not ok in my neighbourhood!!!!!!
I live here and I am raising my child in this area. I do not want my child having to breathe this
stuff in it’s not right. There is no reason this should be allowed in a residential area!!!
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I can’t believe a second meat packer has applied to increase emissions in our growing residential
neighbourhood! It’s bad enough during summer when we can’t even enjoy our back yard because of the
stink these places emit.
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To who it may concern:
I am writing to oppose the increase in emissions by Ryding-Regency Meat Packers Ltd.
I live in the Stockyards neighbourhood, and will be directly affected by this increase in a very
negative way.
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I would like to write in opposition to this amendment. The property is located in the middle of
residential buildings. The land might have previously been zoned for heavy industrial, but the
neighbourhood is becoming more residential every year.
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When I learned of the increased emissions request from Ryding-Regency Meat Packers Ltd I was so
disappointed. This is an area with schools and families , and to allow a business to pollute the
air in a residential area is unacceptable.
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There is no way that permission should be granted to increase toxic emissions. This place needs to
be shut down, period. Increasing the toxic emissions is irresponsible, harmful and disgraceful.
My family and I are completely opposed to the slaughterhouse requesting to be given a new set of
rules so that they can expand and build on already polluted land. This land should become park
land, preserving the flood plain.
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1. This is a predominately residential neighbourhood with lots of young children
2. Asthma rates are higher than average in this area
3. We need to REDUCE pollutants, not increase them
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I am writing to say I do not approve of the expansion. These factories should be moved to a rural
environment. It doesn’t make sense to truck livestock into a busy city only to be trucked out in
again; in pieces. The chemicals used in their operation is affecting the people and the
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Application Assessment Officer Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Operations Division Environmental Approvals Access and Service Integration Branch Application Assessment Unit 135 St.
The proposal includes all sources at the facility, including:
barn exhausts,
manure stockpiles,
lactic acid cabinet,
condensers and
combustion equipment.
Emissions to the air from this facility include ammonia, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and
lactic acid.
Are you kidding me?
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I object to the increase in emissions from slaughterhouses near residential homes on Terry Drive
and Rockcliffe Avenue. These slaughterhouses are also near the Stockyards shopping mall and further
residential housing on St Clair Avenue.
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Regarding EBR Registry number 013-4066
This energy intensive operation and facility is within 200 to 300 meters of a daycare (Kids and
Co.), a city playground, and splash bad (Maple Claire Park), and residents (on Viella St.,
Tarragona Boulevard, McCormack Street and Maybank Avenue) and a shoppin
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Our environment is in crisis. The UN climate report extensively states that our species will not
survive if we continue to pollute the way we do. I do not want this company to put any more
pollutive emissions into the atmosphere than it already does.
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Certains commentaires ne seront pas affichés en ligne. Apprenez-en davantage sur l'état du commentaire et sur nos politiques relatives aux commentaires et à la protection de la vie privée.
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This should be an obvious no…
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HI! please protect our…
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[Original Comment ID: 214751]
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My family and myself are…
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[Original Comment ID: 214757]
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Why are big/heavy industrial…
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Absolutely not. Air…
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Absolutely not. Air pollution is bad enough, we don’t want ammonia or any other chemicals in the air.
[Original Comment ID: 214769]
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This is not ok in my…
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I can’t believe a second…
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To who it may concern: I…
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As a concerned community…
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Hello, I would like to…
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When I learned of the…
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There is no way that…
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[Original Comment ID: 214795]
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My family and I are…
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1. This is a predominately…
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I am writing to say I do not…
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Application Assessment…
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Application Assessment Officer Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Operations Division Environmental Approvals Access and Service Integration Branch Application Assessment Unit 135 St.
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The proposal includes all…
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I object to the increase in…
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Regarding EBR Registry…
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Our environment is in crisis…
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