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Please do not let this happen. We don’t want this business in our neighbourhood and air polittion to increase. There are a lot of children suffering from asthma in the area and this will worsen it.

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To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to express great concern about the possible adjustment in regards to noise and odour and air quality. As a resident of the area I am strongly against allowing expansion of equipment or production via adjustment to already agreed upon standards by the EPA.

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So many young families are moving into this neighbourhood. The industry are already so disrespectful of public space - allowing them to increase toxins in the air, increases operations and will only bring more issues to the neighbourhood.

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Good evening, I just heard that the meat packer companies on Gunns street want to increase their toxins in the air. Air that my sons, my wife, myself and all our neighbors are breezing every day! This area is growing, condo are being built. Finally it's becoming more and more families friendly.

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I am a resident of the area with a young family. The toxic chemicals and fumes that are emitting from these facilities are unbearable. The smell and noise is already constant, which interrupts the children from playing in the park and families from coming outside. Lire davantage

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The area in question has a great deal of new residencial developments and will likely continue to develop. Increasing emissions is counter to the health and well-being of the families living there.

[Original Comment ID: 214734]

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I am against this proposal to permit an increase in emissions from the Ryding Regency company in a residential, low SES neighbourhood with the already highest rates of asthma in the city (Toronto Public Health). Lire davantage

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I live less than a KM a way from the site. There are days the smell is already so overwhelming I gag and feel nauseous . I have been on the roof top parking at stockyard shopping plaza and my eye have burned and watered stepping out side to walk between stores.

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I am very concerned to hear that this facility and others in the area are requesting an increase in the levels of emissions released into the air. I do not want to breathe more ammonia, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and lactic acid in my lungs and in an area that already struggles with a Lire davantage

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Additional emission of toxic substances into a residential neighborhood is outrageous. This practice should not take place in any environment as there are many ways to metigate the release of harmful substances in to the environment. Lire davantage

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The area in and around the Stockyards has changed dramatically in the past decade. There are more homes and more families. It has become more and more residential and with further developments of condominiums all around us, it will become more and more so. Lire davantage

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As a resident of the Stockyards neighbourhood, I am opposed to the release of more toxic emissions into our air. As it stands there are enough toxins in the air due to the slaughterhouses and meat packing plants in the area. Lire davantage

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Our neighbourhood is very concerned about the toxic emission coming from the slaughter house. I was told that that the slaughter house has been accepted to increase its emission. This is absolutely not acceptable for the well being of our community and for our children.

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Our area's air quality is already poor. we have to deal with bad smell regularly. please don't allow any industries to further increase emissions.

[Original Comment ID: 214743]

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I do not think that at this time we should be allowing meat packers operating within the city to increase their toxic emissions. This is the 2nd application by a meat packing facility in recent months to increase their emissions. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow meat packers to contaminate our air any further. It already stinks. Get rid of the factories in residential neighbourhoods. Let them move to outskirts

[Original Comment ID: 214746]

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We cannot allow/afford any further development of the industrial meat facilities in this region. The air is already foul and polluted as is, and any further development on their productions will only make it worse. Lire davantage