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How can they expand when the first plant was unable to contain this toxic door. They keep violating the Monday to Friday rule, they were manufacturing all weekend long, We voiced our concern in the past and we would like this nonsense stopped, what does it take.

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I strongly oppose the approval for a new ECA for this location. I am personally affected by the pollutants and odours emitted from the LUSH factory . I back onto 35 Jutland Rd. My back yard is 10ft from the building .

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I experience terrible migraines from the odor that is submitted. Can not open my windows cause the odor is so bad, it's like you are eating whatever they are producing. The odor of fragrance is noticed as early as 4 am and continues well over 7 pm at night.

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I am writing to Environment Compliance Approval at 35 & 50 Jutland Avenue. Both my son and I have sensitivities to fragrances and environmental allergies. My son's allergist has recommended that we use saline on his nose at night to improve Xavier's breathing at night.

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To whom this may concern: I am writing to let you know of the strong, disgusting, floral and artificial-like odour which has been emitting from Lush Manufacturing on 35 Jutland Road for years.

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his message is in regards to the strong odour emitting from 50 Jutland Road and 35 Jutland Road (Lush Manufacturing): For years (2015/2016-Present) I have smelt the gross, perfume-like odour emitting from 50 Jutland Road and 35 Jutland Road.

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I am writing to express my concern over the harsh smell that the Lush Manufacturing Buildings emit, on 50 and 35 Jutland Road. I smell this odour very often while visiting a friend who lives on Trueman Avenue. I can remember smelling the odour the last 2 years (2017 and 2018).

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I am writing to express my sincere disappointment for the complete lack of effort put forth by LUSH Manufacturing on 35 and 50 Jutland Road, over the past 4 years.

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Ever since Lush started manufacturing we've had to deal with strong odours which cause us to retreat back into the house and close our windows. It's unbelievable that they cannot scrub their exhaust with today's technology to remove these odours.

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I do not believe that Lush should be granted this approval. Ever since they have moved into our neighbourhood the enjoyment value that we get from our property and quality of life has worsened.

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Lush Manufacturing at 35 and 50 Jutland Road have been a nuisance to my family and I since they have moved into our quiet neighbourhood. The horrible, strong stench they emit from their factories have ruined our experience spending time outside in the backyard or enjoying our front porch.

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I am very displeased with the odours coming from LUSH Manufacturing at 35 and 50 Jutland Road. I am very sensitive to the smell. I start to cough when it smells strongly of LUSH. I can smell it in my front yard, my backyard and when I drive to Holy Angels Church on Jutland Road to attend mass.

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The stench from 50 and 35 Jutland Road is very irritating. It feels like I can taste the strong perfume odour when I come home in the evening. The smell prohibits me from reading outside in my backyard or spending summer nights enjoying fresh air.

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I want to explain to you how much LUSH Manufacturing at 35 and 50 Jutland Road has affected my family and I. We have lived in our home for 25 years, in a property that backs onto the LUSH Factory at 35 Jutland Road.

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I am adding to my comments made in September I very disappointed with the Ministry of environments ineffectiveness to solve the odour issues in my neighbourhood . Since August 30, 2018 I have personally reported 18 odour occurrences .

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