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This facility is too close to a residential area and should never have been allowed to operate at
this location. These emissions are harmful to people's health.
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This facility is too close…
Commentaire sur
C. Valley Asphalt Inc. - Environmental Compliance Approval (air)
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Statut du commentaire
This facility is too close to a residential area and should never have been allowed to operate at
Lire davantagethis location. These emissions are harmful to people's health.
Related actions
Emissions to the air from…
Commentaire sur
C. Valley Asphalt Inc. - Environmental Compliance Approval (air)
Identifiant (ID) du commentaire
Commentaire fait au nom
Statut du commentaire
Emissions to the air from this facility include:
total suspended particulate,
Lire davantagepolyaromatic hydrocarbons,
benzene, and
nitrogen oxides and other products of combustion
Related actions