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The current emissions level is already too high if the increased population is taken into account. Many more people are affected than was the case 20 years ago. In the last three weeks I have experienced one afternoon of very strong stockyards odour and a week before that on a Friday evening rest Lire davantage

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We should be closing dopwn this slaughterhjouse not expanding it. It is a place of torture where they skin cows alive while they are pregnant. How can anyone in the world support this?

[Original Comment ID: 214709]

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Please do not approve this request. For years now, the communities of Rockcliffe-Smythe the Stockyards district and the Junction have been exposed to daily treatments of putrid smells coming from the slaughter houses and meat processing plants on Glen Scarlett Road. Lire davantage

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As a resident of the Stockyards neighbourhood, I am opposed to the release of more toxic emissions into our air. As it stands there are enough toxins in the air due to the slaughterhouses and meat packing plants in the area. Lire davantage

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Our air quality is already very poor, we constantly have to deal with bad smell from these meat factories. please do not allow to increase this further

[Original Comment ID: 214744]

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To who it may concern: I am writing to oppose the increase in emissions by St. Helen’s Slaughterhouse. I live in the Stockyards neighbourhood, and will be directly affected by this increase in a very negative way. Lire davantage

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I dissaprove of any increase of emissions on behalf of St. Helens I’m also very disappointed in our government and the people they Keele tans there disisions They make on behalf of the residents I am firmly against this!

[Original Comment ID: 214783]

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I dissaprove of any increase of emissions on behalf of St. Helens I’m also very disappointed in our government and the people they Keele tans there disisions They make on behalf of the residents I am firmly against this!

[Original Comment ID: 214784]

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There is no way that permission should be granted to increase toxic emissions. This place needs to be shut down, period. Increasing the toxic emissions is irresponsible, harmful and disgraceful.

[Original Comment ID: 214786]

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I have lived in the district since 1971, and remember the Ontario Stockyards. The stockyards smelled awful but provided thousands of jobs to people, many living close by, but the area declined since no one built new commercial properties. Lire davantage

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Hello, I am finding it very hard to provide a well informed comment on the request for increase in emission as there is not a lot of information available to the public. Lire davantage

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I strongly object to permission being given for St Helens Meat Packers to increase emissions from their business at Glen Scarlett Road. It is near residential homes on Terry Drive and Rockcliffe Avenue and near the Rockcliffe middle school. Lire davantage

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Our family lives very close by to this animal slaughterhouse and the stench that comes from is disgusting and we can’t even enjoy a walk or run in the neighborhood, especially in the summer time with the awful smell and heat combined. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to increasing emissions in this neighborhood, where I live (St. Clair and Keele). This is a VERY residential area now, with many young families.

[Original Comment ID: 214834]

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Regarding EBR Registry number 013-3384 This energy intensive operation and facility is within 200 to 300 meters of a daycare (Kids and Co.), a city playground, and splash bad (Maple Claire Park), and residents (on Viella St., Tarragona Boulevard, McCormack Street and Maybank Avenue) and a shoppin Lire davantage

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The stench that all too frequently emanates from the meat packing plants is bad enough. Now they want to make it worse. This interferes with the enjoyment of my property as well as my patronage of local small businesses. Lire davantage

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I do not wish to increase noise, odour and pollution to this plant. The area has been growing very quickly into a more residential area. There is a huge impact to the quality of life to the neighbourhood. Thanks

[Original Comment ID: 214848]

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Please do not allow more emissions in the Stockyards area. Many people have their homes in this neighbourhood & should not be subject to increased emissions. Thank you.

[Original Comment ID: 214850]

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Symbridges owns and operates a property located at 150 Symes Rd which is nearby the applicants’ operations. We have recently spent in excess of 14 million dollars renovating and restoring a heritage building, adjacent garage and associated site costs. Lire davantage