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What do these increased emissions mean for the neighboring residents? This location is close to several schools and a family community. It is not in the best interest of this community to increase emission. The health of our families is at risk. Lire davantage

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Hello, I am a resident of Rockliffe Smythe along with my husband & 2 sons. I am very concerned about the possibility of higher emissions from the St. Helen's Meat Packing site, and I am quite worried by there being more air pollution! Lire davantage

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Please do not accept this proposal. The neighborhood has already given so much to St. Helen's, including the plot of land on Rockcliffe. Blackcreek is already full of contaminants, we cannot add more to this growing community. Also, think of the environment here. Lire davantage

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What are the health impacts to releasing these toxic chemicals? As St Clair and Weston becomes more densely populated, the effects on the community are a major concern. The odor is currently already at a high level. Lire davantage

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I am submitting my comment to OPPOSE the expansion of ST Helens to "Contaminant emissions to the atmosphere include chlorine dioxide, lactic acid, nitrogen oxides, noise, and odour". This business exists in a neighborhood, and RIGHT BESIDE A PARK! Lire davantage

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I've been living here for almost 20 years. It used to be a quite neighborhood. But the last few years there were more industries added across the street which contribute more traffic, noise and dusty environment. With the possible of St. Lire davantage

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The district already smells bad, and now there will be further emissions into the air. We need more clean spaces and trees in the city. This is an area that has a very dense population and these small changes stand to affect large numbers of families and homeowners. Lire davantage

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I just purchased a home on Cordella Avenue and was shocked to find out that this will be built a block away. How could you allow this? Doesn’t the area have enough problems already? It’s on a flood plain and this land should have never been sold in the first place. Lire davantage

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There is very little dissemination of the news of this extension of allowance of contaminants in the area. Why? Why is this not made more public?

[Original Comment ID: 214661]

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I am in the unique position of both living and working in this community most of my life. I live in the home I grew up in, and happen to own The Geat Apparel Co. in Jane Park Plaza. A business that I have operated for 36 years. Needless to say this gives me a unique insight into the community. Lire davantage

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I am in the unique position of both living and working in this community most of my life. I live in the home I grew up in, and happen to own The Geat Apparel Co. in Jane Park Plaza. A business that I have operated for 36 years. Needless to say this gives me a unique insight into the community.

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first off the city should be keeping this land green, create a park or green space for families and children to enjoy. we already have multiple meat packer buildings up the road that create a nuisance to the community. Lire davantage

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I do not want to have ANOTHER St. Helens facility within my community. These facilities stink, they ruin roads with their large trucks, there are schools and nearby and this is an area which is prone to flooding. Lire davantage

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I live in the surrounding area and the smells coming from the slaughterhouse are unbearable. I avoid driving nearby especially on summer days. Being a vegan I am especially unhappy about the fact that animals suffer in these places for something (meat) that is not necessary for human survival. Lire davantage