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This plant already has an adverse effect on the quality of life for residents living in the area - the odour is terrible all seasons of the year, and discourages us from opening our windows even when the weather is nice, thereby increasing our air conditioning use. Lire davantage

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Considering the sickening smell that is already coming from the area, I couldn't imagine it getting even worse. On warm days we can't walk around due to the smell. With the smell potentially becoming worse, I imagine all the business would end up closing down from the lack of foot traffic. Lire davantage

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St Helen's Meat Packers is one of, if not the last vestige of an industry that no longer belongs within the city limits. Moreso it does not belong in such close proximity to residential neighborhoods, and schools. Lire davantage

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Hello, I live one block away from St.Helen's and I am concerned about these expansions. The emissions created by St.Helen's are gross and hard to breathe. Our community is full of young families with children, even families from surrounding neighbourhoods come to enjoy Maple Clair Park. Lire davantage

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Please do not increase emissions at 13 Glen Scarlett Road Toronto - I live in the area and this would be unpleasant and unhealthy for local residents. We have young families.

[Original Comment ID: 214578]

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Hello, I live one block away from St.Helen's and I am concerned about these expansions. The emissions created by St.Helen's are gross and hard to breathe. Our community is full of young families with children (my family included). Lire davantage

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Hi there, I am commenting here to object about St Helen's meat packers. Bringing industries to our community is not a good idea for our kids and health

[Original Comment ID: 214580]

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As a resident nearby, I am opposed to any increase in emissions due to the potential detrimental impacts on physical and mental well-being of the community.

[Original Comment ID: 214581]

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I'm concerned about the health implications this application may have in the surrounding residential zones. What assessment has been done in this regard?

[Original Comment ID: 214582]

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I live within a block of St. Helen’s. This area has transitioned from an industrial to predominantly residential and commercial. St.helen’s is a holdover from a bygone era. Their current level of emissions is unacceptable for a residential area. Lire davantage

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My parents live in this neighbourhood, and so do some of my other immediate family members. It feels like a dumping ground, and I feel people who live there are never given a chance. The community is not given a chance to thrive. Lire davantage

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My family resides in Ward 5 York-South Weston (formerly Ward 11) of the City of Toronto. The proposal to amend an environmental compliance approval to allow for St.Helen's Meat Packers Ltd.'s to use polluting and odour emitting sources is irresponsible, insensitive, and reckless. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow this to happen. There are a lot of families in this neighbourhood we already smell raw meet quite often. We can not increase the smell. Asthma rates went up and it will become even worse.

[Original Comment ID: 214601]

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I suffer from mental health issues, I want to know how air pollutants are affecting the health of my family and I in the area of my residence where I spend most of my time.

[Original Comment ID: 214603]

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