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My neighbour who lives across the road from this site says that he and his family are bothered by the odour as the septage is sprayed onto the land and that this happens several times each day.
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My neighbour who lives…
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Direct Genetics Inc. (Jones Pumping and Coulter Pumping) - Environmental Compliance Approval (waste)
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My neighbour who lives across the road from this site says that he and his family are bothered by the odour as the septage is sprayed onto the land and that this happens several times each day.
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The southern border of our…
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Direct Genetics Inc. (Jones Pumping and Coulter Pumping) - Environmental Compliance Approval (waste)
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The southern border of our property borders on the Cragg Road property where human waste is being dumped.
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I was surprised to learn…
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Direct Genetics Inc. (Jones Pumping and Coulter Pumping) - Environmental Compliance Approval (waste)
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I was surprised to learn that an application has been submitted to further expand the dumping of raw sewage at this property on Cragg Road.
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