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I feel that due to the up coming court case involving Save Picton Bay and The County of Prince Edward to be heard at the Superior Court on October 27th regarding the interpretation of the zoning for the lands owned by Mr.

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My concern is with the The proposed swale and oil/grit separator that will be directed by-on an site storm sewer to the oil/grit separator which will be discharging to Picton Bay/Bay of Quinte.

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The water that ids to be taken from the Picton Bay by shore well and ship loader pump will in order to control the dust now become contaminated by the particles of whatever dust is to be controlled.

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he water that is to be taken from Picton Bay by shore well and/or ship loader pump in order to control the dust will now become contaminated by the particles of whatever dust is to be controlled.

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The current application for SWM on the Picton Terminals property does not do anything to prevent salt runoff into Picton Bay. Salt is soluble, dissolving readily water and an oil/grit separator (as proposed) does nothing the remove salt from stormwater.

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The whole question of the correct zoning of the property and the legality of the current operations is before the courts and a hearing will be held early in 2018. In these circumstances it is premature to authorise additional work on the property.

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Save Picton Bay has applied to the Superior Court of Ontario for an interpretation of the zoning for the Picton Terminals properties. A hearing is scheduled for Feb. 28, 2018.

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Quinte Conservation has reviewed the Picton Terminals Lower Dock Stormwater Management Report prepared by Josselyn Engineering Incorporated and dated August 23, 2017.

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I have reviewed the engineering report from Josselyn Engineering that makes up the bulk of this ECA application and I respectfully recommend that the ECA be denied for the following reasons: 1) Picton Terminals is of the opinion they can operate the port as « legal, non-conforming » and

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