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Re: Sediment monitoring requirements for farms with a feed quota greater than 2,500MT. Lire davantage

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Re: Sediment monitoring requirements for farms with a feed quota greater than 2,500MT. Lire davantage

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Ms. Madhu Malhotra Manager Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Climate Change and Environmental Policy Division Land and Water Policy Branch 135 St. Clair Avenue West Floor 6 Toronto Ontario M4V 1P5 Phone: (416) 314-1702 (416) 314-1702 Response to MOECC Lire davantage

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1.....It is inappropriate and inadequate that the cage aquaculture operator/applicant is responsible for measuring baseline variables before the facility is allowed to proceed or continue or expand. Lire davantage

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On-land aquaculture facilities do not place as great a burden on the environment as cage aquaculture facilities because of the direct deposit of untreated fish fecal matter around the cages of the latter. Lire davantage

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Dear Ms. Malhotra: Subject:EBR Registry Number 012-7186: Provincial Policy Objectives for Managing Effects of Cage Aquaculture Operations on the Quality of Water and Sediment in Ontario's Waters Lire davantage