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I have worked and am working on behalf of endangered species in Ontario in the Norfolk County area of Ontario through volunteer efforts with the Nature Conservancy of Canada and the Long Point Basin Land Trust. Consideration for Endangered Species is the consideration at the top of the list whe Lire davantage

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Based on what I understand about the proposal, I have a number of objections to the proposed quarry and the process being followed to have it approved: - the quarry is too close to the QEII Wildlands Provincial Park; and it will affect the ecological integrity of the area. -the quarry will c Lire davantage

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This wild cause unacceptable damage to the wetlands and environment.We have enough problems of our own making,do not do any more. Lire davantage

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It seems to me time and time again that this government does not have its priorities right. Anything to do with the environment and the basics that sustain civilization eg air, water, food should be prioritized and protected. Lire davantage

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I OBJECT...I: -Object to a quarry so close to the QEII Wildlands Provincial Park; and that it will affect the ecological integrity of the area. -Object to the damage this will cause to the species at risk listed under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act -Object to drawing down the water tabl Lire davantage

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This is Government as usual!!! You are allowing a quarry that will take out 2,000.000 tonnes of aggregate within 10 years on the borders of a Provincial Park QE11 Wildlands and you are only informing the people within 120 metres, and in the Orilla neighbourhood. Lire davantage

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Please consider not approving the Quary. QEII Wildlands have been a special place for my family and I for years. Lire davantage

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Dear Mr. Cutmore, Re: EBR Registry Number 010-6875 Please consider the comments I make below very seriously as I feel strongly on this issue. We have the opportunity here to not make a profoundly flawed mistake. Lire davantage

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As a Landscape Architect and 5th generation Ontarian I object to a quarry so close to the QEII Wildlands Provincial Park since it will affect the ecological integrity of the area. I also object to the damage this will cause to the species at risk listed under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act an Lire davantage

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Dear Mr. Cutmore, We own a cottage on the eastern shore of Lower Lake Dalrymple and we were shocked to hear recently of the proposed granite quarry at the top of Lake Dalrymple Road. Lire davantage

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It's time to start putting the environment first,I think Giofam Investments should do something else to make money for their stockholders-we the public are fed up with our natural environment being destroyed needlessly left and right. Lire davantage

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The proposal to authorize the opening of a huge quarry in lands adjacent to the Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands raises great concern for the stability of the wild animal population in the region. Have studies been completed which evaluate this impact? Lire davantage

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I Object to a quarry so close to the QEII Wildlands Provincial Park; and that it will affect the ecological integrity of the area. I Object to the damage this will cause to the species at risk listed under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act I Object to drawing down the water table in a signi Lire davantage

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Quarry threatens Park The QEII Wildlands Provincial Park, one of the most diverse and least disturbed natural areas in central Ontario, is threatened by a proposed quarry on its borders. Lire davantage

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Please note my following objections to this quarry for the following reasons: - proximity to the QEII Wildlands Provincial Park will affect the ecological integrity of the area. - damage caused to the species at risk listed under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act - drawing down the water t Lire davantage

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I want my government to know that I absolutely object to a quarry so close to the QEII Wildlands Provincial Park. It will affect the ecological integrity of the area! It will potentially draw down water tables within a wetland area that is home to several endangered species. Lire davantage

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Paul Cutmore Aggregate Inspector Ministry of Natural Resources Field Services Division, Southern Region Peterborough District Office 300 Water Street - Floor 1 PO Box 7000 - South Tower Peterborough, Ontario K9J 8M5 Phone: (705) 755-3110 Fax: (705) 755-3125 Dear Mr. Lire davantage

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How can Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Park be classified as “protected” if a massive quarry is allowed on its boundaries? I am strongly opposed to industrial activities that threaten Ontario's protected areas and do not support the creation of a crushed granite quarry just outside of the boundary Lire davantage

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Re: EBR Registry Number 010-6875 As a citizen of Ontario, I feel privileged to reside in a province that holds such a diverse and extensive network of parks and conservation reserves, accounting for nearly 10% of the land base. Despite this network of protected areas, our province is still home t Lire davantage

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Dear Mr. Cutmore, Re: EBR Registry Number 010-6875 As a citizen of Ontario, I feel privileged to reside in a province that holds such a diverse and extensive network of parks and conservation reserves, accounting for nearly 10% of the land base. Lire davantage